
Friday, February 13, 2015

My new shoes!

So last night my feet decided to swell up big time. I guess it's from all the running around we have been doing getting ready to head home tomorrow. I tried to put my feet up but there was stuff I needed to get done. When I woke up this morning the swelling had not gone down. My socks and shoes were already tight on me so I had no clue what I was going to wear to work. But Doug came to the rescue! I grabbed a pair of slouchy socks and Doug gave me his house slippers. They were a little long but my feet were not crammed into them! After another long night of packing these old feet and ankles are as big as ever. I have them propped up but I think the slippers will be my main choice the next few days.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Augusta Baby Shower Invite

How cute is this invite?!?!

Much about nothin'

We have not been up to anything new or exciting and not much is going on so I have had nothing to write about lately. This week we are gearing up for our trip to GA and AL. I can't believe it is already time for baby showers! Time is really flying by. Packing is quite easy this time around since my wardrobe options have been diminished. I have a few things I can still fit into (some maternity and some regular clothes) but I am not sure how much longer that will last. As many of you will see next week, my belly is really starting to expand outwards! I got some stuff online from Old Navy but it is all really big on me. I have to decide if I want to wash/dry to try and shrink them or if I just want to return them. I was really excited to have some new clothes for our trip. :(

Mason is still keeping me up all night (and all day!). His favorite time is after I eat. He really gears up then. He loves to poke me, stretch, and do flips. I don't have to worry about counting 10 movements per hour like the doctors recommend. He moves at least once every 5 minutes! He gave me a little bit of a scare yesterday. He had a very strong movement then was very quite and calm the rest of the night. The jarring move didn't scare me as much as the calmness afterwards did. He is never calm with his movements. I don't know if the one move wore him out or if he just got in a really comfy spot and didn't feel the need to move again. But today he is back to his old, non-stop ways. Joy...

My last doctors appointment went well. I passed the glucose test and my blood pressure is still low. Mason's heartbeat is really strong and my belly is growing at a good rate (this means he is growing and doing great). My energy is still up but my amount of sleep is fluctuating. Some nights I go with one bathroom break and a few wakeups. Others it is multiple bathroom breaks and wide awake at 3 am. When I wake up early and can't go back to sleep, I will just get up and head to work. I usually get 5 to 6 hours of sleep minimum so I am not being deprived yet. I chalk it up to preparation for Mason.