
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The sickness

It all started about a week ago...

Sunday evening (3/13) - Mason started to not feel well. He was sneezing, coughing, and had a runny nose.

Monday - I stayed home from work to keep an eye on Mason. His breathing was getting rapid and more strained.

Tuesday morning- Mason's breathing and coughing was worse to we took him to the doctor. They were able to get us seen right away and confirmed my suspicion that all was not right. The doctor didn't think it was RSV or bronchiolitis this time.  She sent us to get an x-ray of his lungs to see what was going on in there (especially the right one).

Tuesday afternoon - We stopped by Chick-fil-a on the way to the x-ray office. Mason had been eating like a bird the past few days so I hoped his favorite food would entice him to eat a little. He had a couple of bites then didn't want anything else to do with it. While I finished eating my lunch in the car with Mason, Doug got out to get the stroller set up. I was about to put the last nugget in my mouth when I looked over to see this strange look on Mason's face. What came next, I was not prepared for. I do not think you could ever be... He puked. And he puked. And he puked. I dove in and tried to unbuckle him as he was choking some from being leaned back in his car seat. My hands kept slipping and sliding in all the yuck that it seemed to take me forever to get him out. By the time I did, the damage was done. Mason, the car seat, the car, and everything else was covered. I held him best I could away from my body so he could drip as we ran into the building to find a bathroom. I changed him, wiped him down, and handed him off to Doug. I was sooo upset I missed his first x-ray. I may have shed a tear or two sitting in the bathroom floor scrubbing his car seat.

On our way home from the x-ray office. He was laying on the blanket to keep him from getting wet after i scrubbed the car seat best I could. 

Tuesday evening - We got home and washed/scrubbed everything in the car. The doctor called and confirmed he had early stages of pneumonia in his lower right lung. We got antibiotics and were told to give him breathing treatments if he needed them.

Wednesday - Mason and I hung out at the house

Tired boy resting on my leg.

Thursday morning - My plan was to go to work but Mason still wasn't feeling good. I was thinking about calling the pediatrician when my cell phone rang. It was the office calling to do a checkup on Mason. After I told them how he was doing they scheduled us an appointment to come back in that afternoon and take another look at him. I decided to take him to daycare so I could swing by work and at least go through my emails. While at work, I started to feel the sickness creeping in. I was a little out of it and I could feel my face start to tighten from the pressure.

Thursday afternoon - The pediatrician agreed his right lung still sounded yucky. She told us to do breathing treatments every 4 hours and gave us a steroid to help get him better.

Friday - I stayed home with Mason again. I could already see an improvement in him. Me on the other hand, not so much.

Saturday  morning- I got hit by a ton of bricks. Mason was feeling better but Doug and I were not. He was coughing and having trouble breathing. I had the chills, aches, runny nose, sinus headache, coughing, and I was heaving everything I had in me out. I have been "sick" like that before. It is awful. You have no control over your body and it is doing it's best to extract the stomach. Even when you are empty your body keeps trying to push more out. By the time Doug and I got Ryan to watch Mason and made it to the doctor I was curled up in a ball crying. I didn't care that I was sick, I cared that I was sick and couldn't take care of Mason. My heart broke trying to figure out how we were going to do anything and not get him sicker.

Saturday afternoon - The nurses/doctors were amazing! They got us back to a room very quickly (and let us share one since I was so sick and he needed to see the doctor too) and had many hands on deck trying to get me situated. I had the strep test, the flu test, blood drawn, a shot in the rear end for the nausea, and an IV of fluids in me within no time. They even brought me a warm blanket to wrap up in. I was skeptical of the nausea medicine as I have had a few before. They either don't work and knock me out or work and knock me out. Thankfully, this one worked great and I didn't get woozy at all. I never got a diagnoses other than a bad virus. I tested negative for everything and my blood work looked good. They gave me some nausea medicine to take home but that was it. Doug got diagnosed with bronchitis and got an inhaler, steroid, and antibiotic.

Sunday (3/20) - Mason was feeling much better and so was I. I was still horribly stopped up but my stomach was starting to calm down. We spent the day cloroxing the entire house, doing laundry, and washing dishes.  That morning Mason took a tumble and gashed his chin and the coffee table. He did pretty good with not getting too upset and was back to playing shorty after. We tried to put a band-aid on it but his drool would not let it stick. Ha!

Monday - I took one more day off to rest. I took Mason to daycare then came home to clean a little before relaxing in the bed. I tried to nap but I couldn't go to sleep... figures. I did keep looking over at the Ipad to see Mason's camera feed. It was weird having time to myself and not having Mason asleep in his crib.

Tuesday - I finally went back to work! Yay! It was a busy day and I was still stuffed up but it was great to be out of the house.

Tuesday night - We bathed Mason, put him to bed, did our night chores, then headed up to watch some TV in bed. At 10 pm, right as I was rolling over to shut my eyes, I hear an odd noise come from Mason's monitor. He didn't cry, he didn't cough, he didn't yack, but it was like a combo of all those things. He laid back down and went back to sleep but something didn't seem right so I hurried downstairs to check on him. When I walked up to his crib he was fast asleep again but unfortunately he was laying in a big pool of vomit. I scooped him up and ran to the tub. We stripped him down, bathed him off again, and got him some fresh clothed. I stripped the bed and put new sheets and blankets in there for him. By the time I sat down to rock him, he puked all over me and him. So round 2 in the tub for him and I went to clean off. After the third outfit, I knew it was going to be a very long night. I was upset because he finally started feeling better and FINALLY ate for me that evening. He had half a hotdog, veggy pasta, and some fruit. That is more than he had eaten all weekend. And now, there it was, all over his sheets and me. :(

Wednesday morning (like 12:01 am, wee hours of the morning, morning) - Mason is throwing up every 10-15 minutes. He was doing that awful heaving that I was doing on Saturday. Broke my heart every time. We called the pediatrician to get instructions and were crossing our fingers he was almost done. I kept him in a diaper and bib so we would not ruin anymore clothes. We already had 1 load of wash running and another stacking up behind that. The bib worked great by this point. He was barely throwing up anything so the bib held out under his chin caught it all. I just took the dirty bib off, popped on a new one, and he was back to sleep within minutes. We wrapped up in a blanket and rocked until about 2 am. I put him in his crib and he slept until 7 without getting sick again.

Wednesday afternoon - So far, no more puking from anyone in the house! Mason is sleeping a lot but is all smiles and wanting to play. He has been drinking his Pedialyte and had some oatmeal for breakfast. We have to get out and get groceries and I am dreading it. There is just no way it will go smoothly. I guess I could call myself adventurous now.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

The Letter

We got the "letter" today. Mason will be moving to a new class room from the infant room in a couple of weeks. I am happy because he has outgrown the infant room. He is the oldest one in there and the only one walking. He needs to be with kids he can learn from and encourage him. With that said, I will miss his current teacher. The new one is ok but I would prefer the current one. I guess this is something I will have to get use to. My baby boy is growing up!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Just a swinging

One of my favorite things to do is swing. I use to live on the swing set when I was little and today I never walk by one without swinging for a few. Since the weather was extremely nice today I took the opportunity to try out the baby swing with Mason. He loves being thrown around and will giggle every time the wind blows against his face. I am thinking he will have a love for swinging and roller coasters like his mommy.

The swing was a little big for him but he leaned back and didn't try to get out of it. He was very relaxed and seemed to enjoy looking around at everything.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Mason's birthday wish list

I have updated the gift registry at Wal-Mart and I still have plenty of items on the Etsy registry.

Mason has ran out of Auburn items. So anything Orange and Blue is most welcome!

He only has 1 pair of shoes so we really need some of those. He is currently in a size 4 wide so anything 4 or larger will be very much appreciated. Just make sure it is a wide or his fat foot will not fit into it. :)

We need to upgrade Mason's car seat to a bigger one. I am looking at the kind that will convert as he grows so we do not have to buy another one. We will gladly accept donations to the car seat fund.

Everyday essentials:
Gift card to Wal-Mart, Target, or Toys-R-Us
Diapers (size 4 or 5, Pampers)
Diaper pale bag refills
Wipes (Pampers sensitive)
Aveeno baby lotion
Sippy cups, utensils, plates, and bowls
  Spring/Summer - 12 to 18 months
  Fall/Winter - 18 to 24 months ; 1 T
  Pj's - he needs a 18 month or bigger because of his height 

We are going to the beach for the 4th of July so we will need beach items.
 Bathing Suit & Shirts
 Beach chair
 (Anything else that you used and loved and think we would need)

Safety stuff
 Baby Gates
 Door knob covers
 Outlet covers
 (Anything else that you used and loved and think we would need)