What do these two movies have in common: Water for Elephants & Rise of the Planet of the Apes?
Answer: they both made me cry.
Why you ask? Not because of the people and their performance but because of them being mean to the animals in the movie. When they killed the horse and whipped the Elephant in Water for Elephants, I could barely finish the movie I was so upset. I mean, I was mad. I just held Auburn and kept telling her no one would ever treat her like that as tears streamed down my face. Poor wittle ewyfant! Then when the shelter people were being mean and abusive to the monkeys, it just broke my heart. Once again, I grabbed Auburn and held her close.
It's not that I had a heart of stone before I got Auburn. I guess I just notice animal cruelty more. I can not watch the sad commercials wanting you to donate money to save the cats and dogs. I beg Doug to adopt all the animals the news show on TV at night; either abused/neglected or in the pound. I am not allowed in a pet store if they are doing adoption day.
Having Auburn has made me a sap for animals but it's not a bad thing (unless I become the crazy dog lady with way too many adopted pups). It just makes me sad to see the abuse in movies. I always picture someone doing that to Auburn. :( No animal deserves to treated that way. So from now on Doug is going to have to pre-screen movies with animals in it so I can watch the movie without crying (and wanting to bring the animal home to live with us).