
Monday, March 25, 2013


Was really unexpected but I will take it whenever I can get it!

Eating as much snow as she possibly could


Drying off after playing in the snow

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Doug's Birthday Weekend - Day 3

So today was the official birthday day. We were so tired from Day 1 & Day 2 that we did not do much. We had lunch at Chili's (which we haven't has since we moved up here), went to Kohl's and bought Doug some work pants, took an hour nap (put on the race and we were out), and went to dinner at G&M's with Doug's mom and dad. All in all it was a great weekend spent together. It went by too fast but I enjoyed having the time off with him.

Yummy Brownie Sundae for the birthday boy

Best and biggest crab cake in the city

Doug's Birthday Weekend Day 2

Saturday we slept in a little and then headed across the bridge to eat Cracker Barrel with Doug's Mom & Dad. We bee bopped around a little (of course hitting up the outlets!) then headed back to the house to get ready for round two. We started off with dinner at Glory Days then headed over to the Green Turtle for drinks. I called it quits and went home but Doug and a few others went to the bowling alley for a few hours.Thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate with us. We had a blast and we will definitely have to do it again soon.

FYI - the Irish Car bombs picture above are not friends of Doug. They kicked his ass. Ha!

Doug's Birthday Weekend Day 1

Friday we both took off for day 1 of Doug's birthday weekend. We had some Chinese for lunch and then headed to the mall. I ended up finding all kinds of cute stuff to bring home but Doug had no luck (which is not surprising considering how picky he is and how much he hates/refuses to try on stuff). That night we headed to downtown Baltimore to see Aaron Lewis in concert at Rams Head Live. It was so much fun. It was a great atmosphere and Aaron was amazing as always.

Go to Power Plant Live to learn about the area we were at. It was really nice and will definitely be a place we will be visiting again. Lots of restaurants and bars all in one little nook = fun! 10 years is coming in May so we are going to try and get tickets to that.

We were about 5 rows deep (standing room only) so we were up close and personal for the entire thing. We walked up to the second floor for the encore and got some great video from up there. He played a mix of cover, Staind, and his country stuff. Every time I hear him I am reminded of how amazingly talented he is. I took lots of video and I hope to get it uploaded but here are a few pics from the many I took.