
Sunday, August 30, 2015

To the crib!

Well, Mason has just about outgrown his bassinet. So we are starting the transition to the crib. He seems to like it but it is an adjustment so he wakes up a lot. Truthfully it's probably harder on mommy than him. HE IS ON A DIFFERENT FLOOR! Omg it's like he is off to college! I can't see him or hear him unless I look at the monitor. I can't reach over and touch him. I am half convinced he will die if he doesn't sleep in our bedroom. Oh this is so hard! Sleeping on the belly freaked me out, now this. What was I thinking! So much for getting any sleep this week...

 Kinda hard to see from this angle but he is the length of the bassinet and when he rolls he is right up against the side.

So much more room to roll around and stretch out.

I got this!

Mason is taking the "I can do it " attitude when it comes to his bottle. He hasn't quite got the handle of it but he is learning. He knows how to pull it towards and away from him. The holding it steady and keeping it in his mouth still needs some work. Oh and the whole holding the bottle the entire time thing. He thinks it will magically stay upright, in his mouth when he let's go. I keep my hands away as much as possible so he realizes when he let's go the bottle will fall. Seeing this new independence makes me feel proud, happy, and sad all at the same time. Sad because my little boy is growing up and no longer depends on us for everything. Happy because it is one less thing we have to stop and do. The thought of sitting him up, handing him a bottle, and walking off makes me smile. We are not going to know what to do with all our free time!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Sign language or gang signs

Doug and I have joked that either Mason knew sign language or was throwing up gang signs. We know he hasn't had much control over his hands and fingers up until this point but it is so funny to see the positions he puts them in. I finally caught a couple on camera to show you. In these, they look more like sign language but you can see where sometimes they could be mistaken for other things.

Here he is saying, "This Jumparoo is a-okay!"

Here he is saying, "Thanks for the bobble (aka bottle) Mom. Love you!"

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

2 foot + tall

For those that question me when I say he was 25 inches tall at his 2 month check up and in the 90th percentile, here he is at 4 months old.

Can you say basketball player? :)


The Nunley's got the sniffles this past week. Not sure who the original culprit was (either Mason or me) but it all started Tuesday with a little runny nose. Doug stayed up all night with Mason as he was fussy from not being able to breathe well. He didn't realize what was causing Mason's discomfort and thought it was gas. When I got up Wednesday morning and got out the snot sucker, he calmed down and finally went to sleep. I started not feeling well on Wednesday. My throat felt like I had snored all night long. My nose started running a little bit but it was off and on. Mason slept good that night but we had to stay on top of the snot sucking. We got some saline drops to help along with some vapor rub for his chest. We also hooked up the cool vapor machine and stuck it right next to wherever he was. We kept him in the glider since it had an adjustable seat and we could prop him up while keeping him rocking. (Big thanks for all those shower gifts! They really came in handy!) By Wednesday evening my nose was running a lot so Doug stocked us up on tissues and cough drops. He once again stayed up all night with Mason. Even though he slept, his breathing was something Daddy felt he needed to keep a watch on. 

I kept a check on him while he was at daycare. He never ran a fever so I let him go each day. By Thursday Doug was starting to get congested. Every time he gets sick, it always goes straight to his lungs and turns into bronchitis. I was praying we all didn't end up at the doctor! I went to work and carried on my normal routine until about 7 each night. Then I crashed. Thursday night I got up with Mason so Doug could sleep. Mason and I were about the same Friday morning  but Doug felt better. I called the Pediatrician that afternoon because he started coughing a bit more than normal. You could hear the fluid he was trying to clear out. I am sure there is a good description for that type of cough but i cant think of it. They suggested bringing Mason in only if we felt that his lungs were starting to be affected. I figured we all had that "can't do anything about it, let it run its course" sniffles. 

By that evening I was not feeling well. Mason was being a little extra fussy and I was exhausted. Since Doug felt better he stepped in and took care of us. We normally have him down by 5 or 6 as he is exhausted from his day at daycare (he doesn't nap much from all the entertainment). We didn't get him down until after 8. Doug let me sleep and took care of Mason again all night. I wish I could say I woke up feeling better the next morning but I didn't. 

Saturday Mason was still not feeling better so we decided to take him to the doctor. Besides a head cold heading to his chest, he was diagnosed with an ear infection. I use to get them all the time when I was little so I feel his pain. Makes my heart break for him. We got him some antibiotics, me some mucinex, and headed home for nap time!

Saturday evening Mason was a little extra fussy. We put him in the bathroom when Doug took a shower like the doctor suggested. The steam really helped him and he coughed a good bit while he was in there. And since we now knew he had an ear infection, we gave him some Tylenol to help with the pain. Since he didn't nap much during the day he was good and asleep by 9.

Sunday he was in a very good mood and feeling much better. Besides a little congested cough and runny nose, he was good to go. We kept Tylenol in him just in case. :)

Mason handled being sick fairly well. He would smile and play for a little while like normal; however, he got sleepy more quickly. He screamed when we got the snot sucker out on him but he was much happier after when he could breathe. He had to adjust a bit to eating with a runny/stopped up nose. The first few feedings he screamed and wouldn't eat. Once we cleared his nose out and he got the hang of things he was good to go. I was scared his sleep would be few and far between but he did really well. He would get riled up when we sucked snot but would pass out shorty after. 

Being pitiful on the way to the doctor 

Waiting on the doctor

After all these years the color hasn't changed. I almost want to taste it to see if it still has that same bubble gum flavor.

Late night selfie with Daddy

A swing and some cool vapor, lifesavers!

A tired but happy boy

Laying on Mommy's lap 

Saturday, August 15, 2015


Mason is slowly starting to realize that his hands are there for other things besides shoving in his mouth. He he really grabbing at toys and us now. He is holding the pacifier in his mouth, grabbing toys and pulling them to his mouth, and holding on to things like his bottle and us. I know it's not much in the grand scheme of things but to see how far he has come is truly amazing! He is not my little helpless baby anymore. :( He is learning and growing so fast. It's so much fun watching him learn something new everyday.


Mason has a new sound! Not sure where he got it from but he just started doing it. You would never believe he has an ear infection after watching this.


Mason is starting to bend and straighten his knees and he is a huge fan of the bouncing. So I have been researching bouncy/jumping chairs for him. They have one at daycare and all the babies love it. He will watch the babies in it all day. So I figured I would get one similar to that. I know he is still a little little for it but for some reason I have been super excited to get him this toy.

My work has a website that is similar to Craigslist but is just for employees. So one day last week when I actually had a spare second I checked out the baby section. Surprisingly, there was a Jumparoo listed that I had looked at getting for Mason. I emailed the owner and it was still available so we set up a time to meet. The best part, the chair retails for over $100 and I got it for $40! It is in great condition and the lady even provided us with some batteries!

I think Mason is a fan! His toes didn't reach the floor but he sat up in it and had a great time. I can't wait for him to get bigger so he can start bouncing himself.

The baby has taken over!

Everywhere you look, everywhere you step! Watch you step and your toes! How can a 3 bedroom townhouse not be big enough?!?

Monday, August 10, 2015

Terrible Toddler Towel

Uncle Ryan is a big Steelers fan. So this past weekend him and Shannon drove up to their training camp in PA. They didn't have much luck with autographs (they tried to get Coates signature for me but were unsuccessful) but they did manage to find Mason a little something just his size. Of course he is an Auburn fan but Uncle Ryan is doing everything he can to get a little black and yellow in him as well. The little Terrible Towel will work well for a burp cloth. Maybe Mason will bring the team good luck this year.

New blankets for all of the kiddos

Our most recent trip to Babies R Us was full of diapers, bottles, wipes, and other no fun essentialls. So we decided to get the kids a little treat. Since Mason's new favorite thing is shoving burp cloths in his mouth, I found a blanket/toy thing for him to play with. While we were in that section we saw a pretty blanket we thought Auburn would like. Mason took his right away and loves playing with it. Auburn's already has a hole in it... But at least she loves it! :)

I think we will go for a walk outside now...

The summer sun was calling our name! Beautiful weather gives the Nunley's a chance to get out of the house for a little bit and stretch our legs. We haven't had many cool evenings this summer that didn't involve rain. But we have tried to take advantage of any we did get. We can't wait until Fall when we have many more chances for family strolls!