
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bye Bye Baby Teeth!

Guess who lost TWO teeth!!

I know it is hard to make out (they are so tiny) but this is one of her teeth she lost.

See the two empty spots on the bottom?

From Heather's Kitchen

Ok. So, this blog of recipes is not exactly from my kitchen. They are from someone else's kitchen but they are so good I had to share. Both of these are super easy to make and are promised to go quick!

The first one is called "Hot Cheesy Onion Dip". It's called that because that is exactly what it is. This is a recipe for the onion lover and for the person who does not count calories. One bite of this would be all a calorie counter could eat for the day. Sorry for no picture... use your imagination...

Hot Cheesy Onion Dip

1 cup Mayo
1 cup Vidalia Onion
1 cup Shredded Cheese

1. Mix all ingredients in a greased dish
2. Sprinkle paprika on top (as much as you like)
3. Put in oven heated to 400 degrees and bake 30 mins

After you take it out, let it cool and then sop up the grease with napkins/paper towel. It is a greasy dish but it is SO worth it.

The next dish is similar to ones I have made before but it is SO much better! It's called "Buffalo Chicken Dip with Blue Cheese". Once again, the name tells you exactly what is in it. This one has a little heat to it but it will not set the fire alarms off... unless you are a wuss when it comes to spicy food.

Buffalo Chicken Dip with Blue Cheese

1/2 cup Franks's Hot Sauce
1/2 cup Blue Cheese dressing
1/2 cup Blue Cheese Crumbles
1 package Cream Cheese
2 12.5 cans of chicken breast

1. Break up canned chicken by mixing in a dish with a fork
2. Mix all ingredients in greased dish
3. Bake at 350 for 20 mins

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's day weekend

This weekend we took Auburn on her first road trip to Valley. Not only was it Mother's Day, it also was the weekend of the Cotton Pickin Fair. My Mom has been going to the fair ever since I was a little girl. Before it was her "day off" from me. Now it is something we enjoy doing together. It is out in the middle of nowhere in a field. Your feet/shoes get dirty, your face and neck get sunburned, and you spend a bunch of money on a bunch of stuff you do not need. It's fun!
Our trip started off nicely Friday evening. I got off early and went home to pack the car and feed little butt so by the time Doug got off we were ready to roll. Auburn likes riding but could care less to look out the window. She is too focused on playing with us to care about the wind in her face. She was a little unsure of why she was riding in the crate and not in our laps but she soon got over it and fell asleep.
About 40-50 miles into our trip a semi slung up a rock and cracked my front window. Yeah. Fun... So since we were in a car, riding, and had nothing better to do, we went ahead and called the insurance company. Must say, I love AllState! We were not on the phone for a LONG period of time and the window was fixed the next morning. It was very nice. This was the first time I had a cracked window so I was a little stressed but they took great care of us.
Auburn L-O-V-E-D Mom & Dad's big house and big yard. She ran from one side to the other and back again. Mom acted like I expected, scared and unsure of what to do around the puppy. Dad and Auburn became BFF's almost immediately. Every time I put Auburn in her crate, Dad would go get her back out. Poor dog got no sleep all weekend. He walked her and played with her and probably even feed her some "no-no" food and she loved him for it. She got away with a lot more at their house than she does at ours. She pooped on the carpet twice and piddled once. We tried to hide it from Mom so she would not have a stroke. I was very surprised when Mom got down on the floor Saturday night but then when Auburn jumped up on her she said, "I did not get down here to play with you. I wanted to pet you." Oh Mom! Let's just say Auburn and Mom are still working on their BFF status. Ha!
We had a great time at the craft fair. Doug got burned and ate a lot of "fair" food. I shopped and got dirty feet. Ha! Here are the pics of what I got...

This is one of my favorite things I got. They have a web-site and I will have to post it on here. They make all kinds of stuff with this same beading design. Plates, bowls, cups, serving pieces of all types (butter dish, cheese plate, bowls, etc), and even salt and pepper shakers. The stuff is too cute and it comes in a variety of color patterns. I already know which piece I want for my birthday!

On a side note, Auburn is now staying in the kitchen (out of her crate) all day without piddling! Yay!