
Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy birthday Auburn!

Saturday was Auburn's 1st birthday. So you know what that means.... 1yr check up at the vet. We got up early this morning and headed out. Daddy came with us but he could not stay since he had to go to work. She did good until about a minute or two after we got there. She started shaking like a leaf. Poor thing! She thought she was at the groomers but once she realized she wasn't and we were staying with her, she calmed down a bit. She behaved and did what the vet needed her to do. The only part she did not like was the thermometer... :) The only thing the vet found wrong with Auburn was she is overweight. 17.6 lbs. fat butt! So we are scaling back the food and giving her low calorie treats like raw carrots. Her first human food! Other than that she is 100% healthy. We got some special shampoo and oil for her food to help treat her scabby, flaky skin pn her back. The doctor said it may be allergies but she wants to try the oil first before putting her on an antihistamine. We really liked the vet and the office. We go back at the end of February for a check up on her skin and to get her shots. I hope Daddy can take off and go with me for this one. I know she is going to remember those after the first one! So since we are done and back home so early, Auburn and I plan on spending the rest of the day snuggling on the couch and napping. Poor thing is exhausted from an exciting morning. And momma will never turn down snuggling on the couch and naps! :)

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