
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Nothing new around here

Well, the summer is starting out to be a slow, hot one. Doug has been working and going to school; I have been working and sitting on the couch bored while Doug works and does school work. Positive - it saves money! Too bad we are not really "saving" money. Don't you just love those unexpected expenses? For us it seems like we have one every pay period. Ha! This week it was Auburn's vet appt. He skin is broke out again from her allergies. We had to get some antibiotics and more Omega 3 oil for her skin. Hoping we get it under control. Next time she breaks out, it will be allergy tests and possible allergy shots time. Yay! Can't wait to spend that money!
Memorial Day weekend was short and sweet. Doug worked all but Sunday so we hung out at the pool. It was so nice and relaxing. I can't wait to go back this weekend. The water was cool but it did not matter cause it was hot as hell! I left the south to get away from the abnormally early, hot summers. And here it is, not even June, and we are in the 90's. We did go out to eat with some friends one night. We tried a new seafood restaurant by our house. Good, would go back, but still prefer G&M. We were there for three hours! I would have been hot if we were there by our-selves but I enjoyed spending all the time with our new friends. 
I promise we are making some plans to give me something to blog about. My birthday is coming up, we are going to GA in July, I would love to spend a day or two at the beach before the summer is over, I WILL go to a Little League World Series game!!!, I may be going to AL in October, and we are going to try going to NYC for Christmas. Plus every day Doug and I have off together I am going to drag him out of the house to do something new. There is so much to do and I swear we are going to do it all before we leave!

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