
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Christmas 2014 Pictures

Me and Mommy on her Birthday

Christmas with Dad's side of the family on Christmas Eve

I did a Shutterfly calendar for Pop's

Dad said Mom could not put up any snowman decorations next year. Guess she will not be decorating next year...

Christmas with Mom's side of the family on Christmas Day.

The day after Christmas with had dinner with my Dad'sand his mom's side of the family. It was great seeing everyone again. Hopefully it will become a tradition.
Uncle Mike and I are huge Auburn fans.

Growing up, I admired my cousin, Christy. She was (and still is) smart, kind, and beautiful. It was great seeing her again.

Auburn playing with her gift from Doug's mom.

Auburn opening up her present from Uncle Ryan...

... and playing/wearing it. It lasted 1 day before I had to "stitch" it back together. At this point, I think my toy surgical skills have earned me a PhD. :)

I went to Tiger Rags & J&M while at home to pick up some new t'shirts. My mom got me a Christmas wall sign and orange/blue bracelets. But Doug got me a limited edition Iron Bowl wall plaque with a piece of an official game ball! He did good! He also got me a Last Roll wall plaque but it will not be here until the end of the week.

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