
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Christmas Eve

Here it was, Christmas Eve. I had a sick baby, an exhausted Mommy & Daddy, and very little Christmas cheer. The day we had been counting down to was here and I felt like it snuck up on me. We barely had time to sit down and enjoy our beautiful Christmas trees or even watch a good Christmas movie. I did play the IHeart Christmas station while Mason and I played for the entire month of December. And now it was all about to be over.

Our first goal for Christmas Eve was to keep Mason happy and feeling good. He slept most of the day so that gave us plenty of time to prep for Christmas day. I dusted the living room, moved furniture to make room for Santa's toys, and swept the floor. Our living room isn't the biggest so I knew some rearranging was required for Mason to be able to play with all his new toys. I decided to keep the living room like that through my parents visit so they could see ALL his toys and play with him by the Christmas tree.

Mason had a few Christmas outfits to wear. I put him in a new one about every other hour as he was going through clothes due to sweat, drool, and spit up. We did LOTS of laundry over the Christmas break. :( For church, I had planned to put him in his cute outfit he wore for the Christmas card pictures but opted for something a little more comfy since he was not feeling well.

Christmas Eve service was pretty much a fiasco. We ran out the door at 10 til 5, thinking we were late. Half way there I double checked the service time and we were half an hour early for the 5:30 service. :) So we went to Royal Farms and got some chicken. Ha! When we finally did make it to church, we realized we left the diaper bag at home. No big deal if Mason wasn't sick but I didn't want to chance it. We had no Advil, burp cloths, diapers, wipes, or anything else. So Doug missed half of the service driving back to the house to get the bag. :(

Once we got home I got in the kitchen. I made potato soup for our Christmas Eve dinner, sausage balls for Christmas day breakfast, and chocolate chip cookies for Santa. I was tired but determined to make the best out of the first Christmas Eve as a family of 4. Unfortunately, Mason's temperature hit 102 so he spent most of the evening screaming. I was sad we didn't get to open up his Christmas Eve gift (pajamas and book), put him in his new Christmas pajamas, and read the Christmas Story to him.

Setting up for Santa was easy since Mason was sick. He didn't care that toys were gathering around the tree and fell asleep early in the evening. We had everything set up by 10 pm except the red wagon my Aunt Sandra got him. We didn't think much of it... wheels, handle, body... couldn't be that hard to put those few pieces together. Yeah, we were wrong. After a bunch of banging, arguing over exactly what the "picture" directions were trying to tell us to do, and THREE hours later we were done. It may not be exactly right but so far no wheels have fallen off.

I was asleep around 1:30 am and up at 2:30 with Mason. We gave him a bottle and more meds and thankfully he fell back to sleep shortly after 3. I prayed he would feel better in the morning so we could enjoy our Christmas day. At 6:30 am he woke up. When I walked in his room he was standing up in his crib, grinning from ear to ear! It was a Christmas miracle! At some point his fever finally broke and he was feeling much better.

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