I hate giving blood. I mean crawl into the fetal position, crying hysterically hate giving blood. I am not sure when it exactly started but the first time I remember having an "episode" was when I was in high school. I had my wisdom teeth taken out before this incident but I do not remember reacting badly like I do now.
It was my senior year and I was having stomach pains. I went to the hospital in Opelika and they ran all kinds of test on me to see what was causing the problem. The first thing they wanted to do was put an IV in me. So they sat me down in one of the blood taking chairs, tied my arm up with that awful rubber tourniquet thing, and started patting my arm. I turned white and the room began to spin. Before I knew it my Mom was holding my head in her hands screaming my name and telling me to keep my eyes open. They got me a paper bag and I put my head in between my legs. As soon as I could stand I took off. My Mom had to sit on me to keep me in the chair. They got the IV in me eventually but I held my arm the rest of the afternoon like it was split open and rotting off. I could not even look at it without feeling sick. At the end of the day, when all the tests were complete, they told me I had to have my gallbladder taken out. The doctor was explaining the procedure to my Mom when I interrupted, "Are we done with the tests? Because I would really love to get this thing out of my arm!"
Ever since then I have been a weakling when it comes to needles. When they gave me the IV for the surgery they gave me a shot to numb the area. I was like, "Yeah, right! Like that will help. A needle to hide a needle!"
Since I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure I have to have blood taken every 6 months to a year. Doug came with me the first few times. He thought I was making my fear up and it was all in my head. But when he saw me go white and my eyes roll back, he knew I was not kidding. So he would sit quietly beside me, holding my hand, telling me I was ok. After awhile I got use to the women there and Doug didn't have to come with me...
... and then I went to a new place! I don't know why my Doctor decided to send me to a new place, but he did. And I will never EVER go back. I will not mention the name of the place but it is one of those places that anyone can go to get blood work or pee tests done at. I was already thrown off when they asked for my credit card so they could charge $50 today and whatever the insurance doesn't cover any time after that. Not cool! But then they called me back to the room.
I was thinking it was going to be just me in my own little room like at the doctor's office. Boy was I surprised to see an old man sitting in the chair right next to where they wanted me to sit. This is the point where I start crying and hyperventilating. I waited in the hall until he left and then I slowly went in. I sat my stuff down and sat in the chair. Then I turned to the nice nurse and asked, "Are yall going to bring anyone else back here while I am in here?" When they said yes the tears started flowing heavily and I started shaking uncontrollably. "I'm out of here. Give me my papers, give me my money back. I am leaving!" The poor nurses looked at me like I was crazy. I explained to them I am not good at doing this and there was no way I was going to make it with someone else in the room too. Luckily they could see how upset I was and offered to do it with just me in the room. I was fortunate to have a nurse who was good. Even though they had to go from my right to my left arm and they had to use a vein on the side of my arm instead of the normal place, I did good and did not pass out. This was a fasting lab, so as soon as she was done I started chugging my Sprite. I wobbled to the car and called Doug. I was still upset so of course I got him upset. He is my protector after all.
So I will no longer be going to that vile place no matter what the circumstances. And believe you me, I will be having a long talk with my Doctor when I go back for my results next Tuesday.
Wow.....At first I was laughing at you and thinking "What a big baby" But as I read on,....Whoa....I understand how you feel especially making the decision not to go back to that place. Being comfortable is important especially with your phobia.