
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Exactly what are you trying to tell me?

Everybody comes to that time when they need a change in their life. Whether it be their job, who they are with, where they live, or the couch in the living room. Change happens. I think we not only need it but we crave it. It's a part of moving forward in our lives.

Almost 2 months ago I was eating at a Chinese resteraunt. After my meal I ate my fortune cookie. Normally I do not think much of the fortunes inside the cookie. I usually get one I have already have gotten before, one that is so generic it could be for anyone, or so random God himself would have trouble figuring how it fits in your life. However, this one was different.

"Remember three months from this date. Good things are in store for you."

Really?! You Promise?! I need some changes. Things could always be better but overall I am happy with what I have. I mean, who would complain about more money, a new better job, a bigger house with up-grades? I am not saying I need them but I sure as hell would not turn them down. I also would not sale my soul to the devil to get them. I believe in working hard to get what you want.

Then the other day I got one of the chain e-mails from a co-worker.

"A blessing is coming to you in the form of a new job, a house, marriage or financial break through."

Well clearly the marriage part does not pertain to me, but what about the rest? Is there a change headed in my direction and this is the universe giving me signs? Or am I reading way too much into things? I know things do not just change on their own. I need to be actively trying to make a change in order for something to happen. So what should I actively be doing? Looking for a new job? A raise? A house? A loan? (B/C I highly doubt someone is going to walk up to me and hand me money.)

Then we get into the whole "when is it going to happen" thing. Fortune cookie says May/June. But cookie could be wrong. So do I take a chance and risk my happy life just the way it is? And how long should I wait? Should I start looking for my change right now? Summer? At the end of the year?

So Universe/God/whoever is sending me these messgaes, exactly what are you trying to tell me?

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