
Monday, May 3, 2010

Best Husband in the World!

Today I came home to a dozen of long stemmed red roses.

Doug was sick and stayed home from work. We had both been up all night and were exhausted but I had to go to work since I was not the one who was sick. So he stayed home and got some rest while I went to work. He had to go to Kroger because we had no soup or easy on the stomach food items. I called him when I got off and he told me he got me a surprise. I was thinking ice cream or a candy bar. Boy did he surprise me.

He sat them on the counter with a note saying, "Just because I love you."

He was the one home sick and I got the flowers. Needless to say I will be making him a yummy fattening dinner when he feels better.

I love you, Doug! You are the best husband in the whole wide world!

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