Yesterday was not a fun day. All in all, it was the worst day of the month. Maybe even the entire year.
It all started when I was leaving the house going to work yesterday morning. I was stopped at a stop sign, waiting on traffic to clear up so I could take a right out onto the road. The road I was trying to turn out on is a very busy road. Where I was at, the road dips. So all the cars coming my way were coming down a hill. I would turn out at the bottom and immediately start climbing another hill. It is very hard to judge the speed to which the cars coming down the hill are traveling. There was a Lexus SUV behind me and I hate holding up traffic because I am too scared to turn out, so I went. Then I realized the car was coming to fast and I stopped. Unfortunately for me, the Lexus was watching the traffic instead of me and she rear-ended me. Luckily she was not flooring it to turn out behind me. I got a nice little dent on my bumper and her SUV was not hurt at all. Since there was barely any damage (It did not even scrape the paint off), I decided to not call the cops or swap insurance information. She was a very nice lady (who spoke English!) and I knew it was truly an accident. She was not texting or talking on her phone. I was so happy I did not freak out this time. I went straight to Doug's work and he agreed the damage did not warrant a call to the cops.
Here is my thing. I had my Civic that Memaw bought me for 10 years and I was never in a wreck. The only time my car was hit, it was parked and I was not in the vehicle. I have had my Accord for a year and a half and I have been rear-ended twice. Once by an illegal woman with no insurance or driver's license. (Yeah that was what I referred to when I said the lady who hit me this time spoke English. And you better believe I sent her butt to jail!) Luckily, both times there were no injuries or major damage but this is crazy. I know I am just paranoid but I swear I have a huge sign on my car that says, "Hit Me!" It's like the cars around me think it's bumper car time and my car has a huge target on the hood. Doug will confirm, I avoid a wreck every time I am on the road. He will also confirm it's not me. It's the other stupid drivers. I swear! I have witnesses!
So the bump on the rear (that's what she said!) made me late for my conference call yesterday morning and work just went downhill from there. It wasn't a bad day; just one of those days. You know? But I got to leave early for a dentist appt.
I have never minded going to the dentist. I have never had a horrible experience. But yesterday was rough. I am working on having all 8 cavities filled. I know. I am rotten. Ha! They did the lower right last time and it was a breeze. I went to work afterwards had little to no pain. This time they were doing the upper right and it was a much different experience. I knew it was going to be bad when the dentist gave me a second numbing shot and said, "Now this one is going to hurt a bit." Yall know I am already bad with needles so at this point I begin to freak out. I was literally shaking as I waited on the numbness to spread. I think next time I am going to need some nice relaxing pills before I go or I won't be going. Ha! Doug will have to take off to drive me and hold my hand.
I ended up in the dentist chair for an hour and a half. According to the dentist I had 2 pretty deep cavities and they wanted to make sure they got everything. I was exhausted when I left. Doug and I were suppose to go to the movies but that was just not going to happen. I went home, put on my PJ's, and laid on the couch. Doug went and got dinner from Taco Bell. I ate a Bean & Cheese burrito because I thought I could handle it. I was wrong. I had beans all over me. I felt like a 1 yr old. Doug kept having to wipe my mouth off. When I would get a drink of water I would drip it all over myself and the table. I think Doug got a real dose of how it would be feeding a toddler. Ha!
The pain started around 7 pm. I could not believe the amount of pain. I had some muscle relaxers left from when I hurt my back so I took one of those and grabbed the ice pack. I am on Advil today while I am at work but I am looking forward to that little pill tonight.
Even though my day was crazy, it ended quite lovely... Jimmy Kimmel did a Twilight special last night! They had tons of scenes from the new movie and they had the entire cast on the show. It was way cool and way worth the fight to stay awake until 11pm!
Tonight is Girls Night Out. Look for pictures soon!
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