First off let me say the movie was good. It followed the book well, cut out stuff not that important, and shortened others. I will (like the other movies) warm up to Eclipse more the more I watch it. Right now I am comparing it to the book and like most books that are turned into a movie there is no comparison. Eventually I will be able to enjoy the movie for what it is and not constantly compare it to the book.
I am going to try to do this in order of the book and if you have not read the book or seen the movie STOP READING NOW.
As I am scanning the book to write this I have realized how right on point the movie was with what was happening in the book. Yes they left small things out but the movie took lines straight from the book. I would say 90% of the movie was straight out of the book with no adjustments.
I love how there were things in the movie that was not from Bella's perspective like the book is. For example, the Cullen's chasing Victoria while Bella & Edward were in Florida; Victoria creating her army and Riley trying to control and train them; the fight against the newborns.
I love the little details they put in the movie - Jacob's note to Bella, Charlie's sly remarks about Edward and Bella, Alice's car Edward bought her (even though it was not discussed in the movie), the slayings in Seattle and the newborns getting ready to fight.
I love that they incorporated Bree and Riley's story in the movie even though the book just came out. I really liked the part when Riley was in Bella's house and he saw his missing persons file on Charlie's lap. It really added to his story and filled in the audience on what was going on in Seattle in one quick scene.
I love they put in a couple of Bella's escapes to La Push but I hate they left some out. I hate Bella's first "run-away" was in front of Edward instead of behind his back. I love when she sees his car in her rear view mirror on her way to Angela's. Ha! Classic. But I loved Jacob and Edward's fight outside Bella's house. I do wish the movie had more of their little scuffles over Bella. Plus, if they would had put in more of her "escapes" they could have shown how Edward gave in to Bella's wishes and became the "better man" by letting her see Jacob.
I wish they would have had time to tell Jasper's, Rosalie's, and the tribe's stories. The movie did a great job of condensing them but I know people who have not read the book are missing out. And Rosalie's story in the movie left out how much she wanted a child and that was the main reason she hated Bella's decision. That plays a big part in the next movie. I hope they will incorporate it in there somehow.
I did not like Jacob height when he was a wolf. He was too tall. Taller than Bella? Really? I know they are crazy big but her head should not have rested on his belly! It states in the book, "... he looked up at me..." NOT down.
I don't know why it bothered me but Bella's bed in Edward's room was suppose to be rod iron not wood and a canopy bed not sleigh bed. And the thing that really bothered me was not even movie/book related. Did you notice that 75% of the movie was a close up shot of either Bella's, Jacob's, or Edward's face? It drove me crazy. I don't think I saw a single person's feet the entire movie. I get a few close up shots every now and then in a scene but if felt like some were nothing but faces Like in the tent scene with all three. It went from one face to the other. Never once did it pan out and show all three at the same time. So much for that million dollar set they designed. We didn't get to see it. You should have put it on Jacob's stomach.
MTV's Best Kiss Award 2011 - Bella & Jacob. That one kiss put all of Edward's to shame.
All in all the movie was good. I think the second one may have been better but I don't want to say that for certain until I see the movie again. High expectations can lead to slight disappointments. Sorry if the blog seemed a little monotone. I enjoyed the movie but was not overly excited about any it.
Happy and pleased but not ecstatic - Future Film Critic Heather
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