
Thursday, February 3, 2011

From one OCD to the other...

Last night I was sitting on the couch, relaxing, watching TV with my husband when I got a text message from Sara. I opened up the message and saw she had taken a picture of something and sent it to me. Now, to a normal human being this would not bother them or spark an hour long conversation but it is me we are talking about here. (Yes I can admit I am not in the "normal" category.)If you have not read my previous blog,, then please read before proceeding to fully grasp my story.

Here is the picture Sara sent me...

... and up under it the caption read, "Is this acceptable for pnut butter jar?"

After my answer she called me "clinically insane". Then her husband, Wes, got in on the fun of my torment by asking if the best way to get the PB even was by using a fork or a cookie! He even took a shot at Doug and asked him to show him the proper way to make a bed.

The best part about the picture is it made me realize another one of my OCD complexes. You know when you open the PB jar for the first time there is a seal across the top? Well, in my house that seal has to be completely torn off. There can be no left over pieces around the edges like Mrs. Sara's. And of course it does not stop with just the PB jar. It has to be done that way on the Advil bottle, the vitamin bottle, any tubes of creams, any grocery item such as the salad dressing and PB, and on any other item you can think of that has a seal. I am thinking of renaming my blog to "Heather & Doug - The Married OCD Couple".

So if you ever want to shut me up and keep me occupied for a while, hand me your ugly PB jars and your bottles of Advil. I won't stop until they are pretty!

1 comment:

  1. I don't have time to fix the seal or pnut butter properly. You need a dog and/or child. Then, my dear friend, you will be a touch less OCD about things. I am doing good to take the seal off. You forgot to mention the part about you judging my penny jar of publix brand peanut butter. I once was a snob, but it tastes the same.
