
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Doug update

Doug got home from his training conference in Atlanta last night. His "bullet wounds" look MUCH better! However, he has broken out into a rash or has hives all over his back, upper arms, and chest. His skin is blotchy everywhere else but it's just red on those three spots. It is really itchy and he is having a very hard time not scratching. The doctor called him in a steroid cream and we put it on last night. Unfortunately, the rubbing on of the cream just irritated the rash/hives more and he was itching like crazy. We called the pharmacist at 10 last night and asked him what to do. He told Doug to take more Benadryl and try to relax. Around 1 he went and got on the couch. We tried cold cloths, hyrdocortisone cream, and 4 Benadryl. I got in a few hours of sleep before the storms hit. Doug should be going to the doctor in the morning so I will let you know how it goes.

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