
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My last day at my job in Augusta

So Tuesday was my last day at my job in Augusta. I was 4 months shy of 5 years. That is a long time! I have seen a lot of people come and go and now I am one of those that are going. It is going to be so odd not coming back here. I mean, we are completely leaving the state or Georgia not just moving to a new house.
The thing I will miss the most about the job is the people I have met working there. I have made some great friends. I will miss hanging out with them all. Of course some of us had our moments where we wanted to say not nice things to them... BUT we are like family so we have our disagreements and we get over it.
From my Main Office crew to my Saturday crew, from my Bookkeeping peeps to my accounting buddies, and especially my Girls Night Out ladies. There are just too many of yall to name one by one! I will miss you so much! Thanks for making coming to work everyday bearable! Ha! And thanks for putting up with me, laughing with me and at me, answering all my questions so I could do my job the right way, for not yelling too loud at me when I didn't do it the right way, and for literally getting me through "one of those days" days. Thanks to all those who came out one last time to Chili's with me. I really appreciate. I hate that some could not make it. We missed ya! I can not believe I forgot my camera. Yall were lucky this time! I will keep in touch and you know I will keep on blogging as long as there is something worth blogging for. What do you know, Sara! The blog you made me start ended up coming in handy. And maybe I will have more than a hand full or readers now! Ha!

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