
Monday, September 26, 2011

Auburn update

Auburn has adjusted well to living in Maryland. She loves our walks to the dumpster and all the new friends she is making. I am not sure how much our neighbors like her since her way of saying hello is barking her head off. Ha! She knows that she will get in trouble when she barks so she has started doing this half bark. It sounds like a chicken clucking. That has earned her the nickname, McNugget. She has calmed down quiet a bit since her surgery. She like to cuddle more and she nibbles a lot less. She has been curling up in my lap and taking naps where before she preferred to be alone on the couch or in her bed. At night she sleeps with us. She prefers to lay in between Doug and I and have her head up on the pillow. She literally sleeps just like us. She will even get half-way under the covers. And she sleeps through the night. If she wakes up it is usually because Doug or I moved and woke her up. However, she is quick to let you know when it is time to get up. She likes to lay on the couch and watch TV with us at night. She does not last very long before she is asleep. She is pretty lazy. She still likes to play tug and keep away but play time does not last very long. Last week we had to get her shaved down. She is still not letting us brush her so her coat is getting matted. The groomer had her work cut out for her this time. She said people were looking at her because she was pitching a fit so loud they thought she was being hurt. Ha! She barely has a beard left and there is no hair on her legs. We use to call her Captain Wet Beard after she drank water but now she has no beard to get wet. :( I bought a new brush to try so hopefully she will like it better and we wont have to shave her down again. She did really good when we cleaned her ears. I actually think she rather enjoyed it. She misses all her friends in Augusta but she is looking forward to playing in the snow for the first time!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Renaissance is not so Renaissance

Last weekend we went to the Renaissance Festival. They have juggling, jousting, and all sorts of other acts. The main reason Doug goes is because they start serving beer as soon as the door opens (9am!) and they have tons of food. Fried anything you can imagine, crab cakes, loaded baked potatoes, beef jerky, steak on a stick, turkey legs, sweet nuts (roasted almonds with the sugar on the outside), and cheesecake on a stick! Doug bought a cool beer mug but did not fill it up until a respectable time. He was focused on the food. I can not say I did not sample anything he got but I can say the only thing I bought was a loaded baked potato and some fried cheese balls. Yum!
I like to go to the festival because they have tons of hand-made stuff. It's kinda like a craft fair but half the stuff is renaissancey... like renaissance style clothing, swords, and dragon stuff. I bought a pair of earrings... sans dragon.
The only other reason to go is people watching. Yeah... it was bad. It is amazing what people will wear to a RENAISSANCE festival. I saw goth, fairies, and bikers. You know how Halloween (for some young ladies, not all) is an excuse to wear the least amount of clothing. Well the Renaissance festival is kinda like that. I almost started a "People of the Renaissance Festival" web-site. It would do well... Now do not get me wrong, the people who work there dress appropriately (and in the right time period) and a good bit of people who come dressed in costume do a really good job. However, the others just use it as an excuse to let their freak flag fly... And for those who know me well know I would never dress up so don't even ask about my costume. You can rent them but I am not a "dress up" kind of a person.
All in all, we had a fun day. Here are a few pictures...

Waiting on the acts to begin.

Oh just another day swallowing swords...

The guy got a cigarette from Doug, lit it, swallowed it, then started blowing smoke out of his stomach!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Official first day

Since I have a minute to spare, I figured I would spend my time blogging. HA! Tomorrow is my official first day at work at I am excited. I have been in orientation/training for the past two weeks and I am so glad it is over. I learned a lot but a lot in 2 weeks. Slightly overwhelming but it was ok. Lots to learn still.
I am excited about my new job and I know I will enjoy it once I learn everything I need to know. I am excited for all the opportunities that I will have and all the exrta benefits that I will get from working there. I am also excited that my drive tomorrow will be much shorter and parking will be a lot better!
The house is still a work in progress so no pictures quite yet. Football Saturdays are cutting into my "Gotta get for the house" time. Oh, and the whole stuff I need to get costs money thing does not help either! Ha! One thing at a time! We got piece one of two for the entry way furniture. Also got a cute shelving unit for the bedroom. Still need to get some wall shelves for the living room and bathrooms but not much more. Once those items are purchased I can finish unpacking all the decor stuff and finally find them a home. I would also like to take a nap but that is wishful thinking.
Auburn seems to be liking it here. She is barking a lot more but that is partly because there is so much more to bark at. Ha! She slept in the bed with us for a couple of hours Saturday night. She was doing good but Doug woke up and put her in her crate. She growled at him. :)
Well that is all I have for now. Until I have another minute...

Monday, September 5, 2011

2 year anniversary

It's our 2 year anniversary...
Yeah that is about all I have. We are so tired! We did nothing but run errands all day. Well, we hung curtains this morning then ran errands. No real "gift", no card, not even a nice dinner out (I did BBQ pork chops in the crock pot (plus we have been eating out for 2 weeks straight)). This anniversary was shadowed by being exhausted with so much that needs to be done. I didn't even want to blog but I made myself. We keep saying we are going to have a chill day or evening but it has yet to happen. Either something technical is needing to be fixed (computer, DVR, internet, printer, etc) or I am trying to get one more box unpacked. We have a lot on hold because we have not bought what we need (like shelving or storage) or it's not high on the "to do" list. It is frustrating our OCD butts!
So, happy anniversary babe! Love ya! Good night!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

It's time for some football!

I can not believe that football season sneaked up on me this year! Oh yeah, I was moving to Maryland, renting our place in Georgia, and starting a new job... I did not get to get excited or pumped up. I barely even watched the first few games on TV because I was exhausted and already in bed. So today I am trying to make up for it. It is hard for me to sit on the couch and not do ANYTHING but watch tv, but i am trying. If I do anything, I am trying to restrict it to in the living room only stuff or doing it only during commercials. Auburn is not even excited for her first day of football. She has slept all morning! Poor thing is just as exhausted as we are. The biggest thing to get use to is this small tv we have in the living room. The cut out in the living room wall is for a 30 something inch. So our 40 something is now Doug's gaming TV. Plus, the stupid people at Comcast gave us an OLD dvr that does not have HDMI so the picture quality is lower. Yes, I am that much of a dork (thanks to my husband who is probably loving my knowledge of this right now). But it does make a difference. I told Doug we would get the 46" on sale the day after Thanksgiving. However, I am now starting to re-think that date... Who would have thought a year ago that we would be watching the first game of our perfect, National Championship winning football season? It's amazing right!?! I am not sure we can do it again but last year I thought there was no way we would be able to do what we did. Then we saw Cam Newton and our outlook on the season began to change. Who's going to be that "Cam Newton" for their team this year? (Well, on the field without all the pay for play scandal stuff...) I love all the talk and speculation that goes into the preseason and first of the season. It's so much fun. Once the season really kicks into gear you are either loving the season or counting down the days until the next season. So here is to the hype and optimism of the beginning of the season, the trash talk before each game, the breaths held and eyes closed tight, and to the celebration of victory or stabbing pain of defeat. Put your pom poms, your Gameday signs, and your drink of choice in the air. Toast to beginning of the best 5 months of the year. It's time for some football! WAR DAMN EAGLE!!