
Monday, September 26, 2011

Auburn update

Auburn has adjusted well to living in Maryland. She loves our walks to the dumpster and all the new friends she is making. I am not sure how much our neighbors like her since her way of saying hello is barking her head off. Ha! She knows that she will get in trouble when she barks so she has started doing this half bark. It sounds like a chicken clucking. That has earned her the nickname, McNugget. She has calmed down quiet a bit since her surgery. She like to cuddle more and she nibbles a lot less. She has been curling up in my lap and taking naps where before she preferred to be alone on the couch or in her bed. At night she sleeps with us. She prefers to lay in between Doug and I and have her head up on the pillow. She literally sleeps just like us. She will even get half-way under the covers. And she sleeps through the night. If she wakes up it is usually because Doug or I moved and woke her up. However, she is quick to let you know when it is time to get up. She likes to lay on the couch and watch TV with us at night. She does not last very long before she is asleep. She is pretty lazy. She still likes to play tug and keep away but play time does not last very long. Last week we had to get her shaved down. She is still not letting us brush her so her coat is getting matted. The groomer had her work cut out for her this time. She said people were looking at her because she was pitching a fit so loud they thought she was being hurt. Ha! She barely has a beard left and there is no hair on her legs. We use to call her Captain Wet Beard after she drank water but now she has no beard to get wet. :( I bought a new brush to try so hopefully she will like it better and we wont have to shave her down again. She did really good when we cleaned her ears. I actually think she rather enjoyed it. She misses all her friends in Augusta but she is looking forward to playing in the snow for the first time!

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