
Monday, November 28, 2011


So this year Doug and I have decided to not decorate for Christmas. And to top it off, we are not buying Christmas presents either...
Bring it on haters!
Since we have moved, we have had a lot going on. We still have not bought everything to finish decorating the house so we still have stuff lying around on the floor waiting on its home. Just the thought of dragging out all the Christmas decorations makes me want to pull my hair out. I mean, how can I decorate for Christmas when I do not have the house decorated and organized for the other 11 months of the year? Since we downsized to a 2 bedroom, we lost some storage space. Our Christmas stuff is literally shoved into the hall closet. We are lucky to hang our jackets in there. I DO NOT want to pull it all out and put it all back up again. Auburn will have to wait until next year to terrorize the tree and presents. :)
We are not buying Christmas presents because we would have to mail all the gifts. So we are doing a gift card to the grandparents and maybe a gift or two to the parents. And maybe a toy for Auburn. :) The only thing Doug wants is a desk for when he starts school and all I want is stuff for the house; so we will call those items, whenever we get around to buying them, our Christmas presents.
So no Christmas parties, no Christmas tree, and no pretty wrapping around the Christmas gifts under the tree. Maybe next year...

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