
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Another attempt at making Brownies

Thankfully I have Doug who has witnessed my failed attempts to back me up when I say, "I can not make brownies from a box!" I know I am no chef and most things I cook are simple; however, most enjoy my cooking and think it taste pretty good. I am not a chopper or a spicer, just simple, easy recipes. I can make all kinds of food and appetizers but one thing I can not do is make brownies from a box.

I have tried several times. They come out one of two ways; hard as a rock that no knife can cut through or gooey enough to roll in a ball, flatten, or drink. After so many failed attempts I decided to hang it up and stop trying. I have not bought brownie mix in probably 3-4 years.

Today I decided to take another crack at it. I bought Betty Crocker Fudge Brownies at Wal-mart this morning and crossed my fingers. I followed the directions on the back of the box precisely. I measured the pan with a ruler to make sure I had the correct pan measurements for the correct temperature and cooking time. I even set the timer a few minutes less than what the box said so I would not overcook.

The first time I took them out they were not done enough so I stuck them back in for the remaining time the box recommended. I got them back out, stuck my toothpick in the middle, and nothing came off. Since this is when the box tells you they are done, I took them out and let them cool. After about 10 minutes I began cutting the brownies into squares. My knife penetrated the brownies, so this was a good start. However, as a dragged the knife through, the brownie came with... I did my best to cut them pretty and I scooped a piece out. Let's just say these brownies can not be ate without the use of a fork and plate... They are... moist...? Not flaky but so moist when you pick it up it falls apart because of the weight. I am not sure if this is how they are suppose to be or if they should have cooked longer. I am hoping they harden by the time Doug gets home. I really wanted this time to not be another attempt...

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