
Monday, March 26, 2012

Doug's 30th Birthday Day 4

Today was the last day of our 4 day birthday weekend. We slept in just a little bit and then headed to Arlington to the National Cemetery. Once again, the weather was perfect so I wanted to make sure we were outside to enjoy it. After a day of rest yesterday, we were ready to stretch our legs again.

The cemetery was beautiful. Very somber, educational, and a big reality check. I just could not believe the rows and rows of graves. They stretched on for what seemed like forever. We opted for the bus/trolly tour since the grounds were so large. It hit the three main areas: The Kennedy's graves, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and the Arlington House. Along the way, the tour guide pointed out other notable gravestones and memorials. It would take a lot of energy and time to do the whole cemetery so we plan to go back to view other areas you have to get to on foot. We did get to see the changing of the guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and we got to see a funeral procession.

After we left we drove through Georgetown, Adam's Morgan, and Chevy Chase. We got to see the area, some embassies, and some really big houses.

Doug and I had a great long weekend and we are so sad it is over. I can't wait until he has another Sunday off so we can go out gallivanting again.

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