I remember bits and pieces of the year leading up to it
I remember getting the inground pool and the noodle
I remember the oxygen tank
I remember having to move our football seats down closer to the field
I remember the bracelet she gave me to always remind me she loved me
I remember all the special things she did with me just in case it was our last time
I remember getting checked out of school by mom, full of excitement, thinking "Today is the day!"
I remember the hotel we stayed at and the celebration dinner
I remember the stuffed pig I bought her
I remember getting the call and going back to the hospital thinking it was good news
I remember sitting in the room and seeing my uncle ask his dad why
I remember driving home and "One Sweet Day" coming on the radio
But most importantly I remember the smile, the laugh, and her love.
I cherish the 13 years but it was not long enough. Always in my thoughts. Always in my heart.
Patsy Pigg - 9/4/96
I remember meeting my parents at the back door, telling them Byron had called and she was rejecting the transplant. I remember watching my Dad cry after he read the birthday card Aunt Patsy mailed before she went to Birmingham. It arrived the day she died.