
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012

We did not do much this year for Christmas. Last night we ordered pizza and watched a movie with Doug's Mom and Dad. Today we did the traditional dinner and opened presents. From cooking all morning, to a stuffed belly, to an afternoon of present opening, we are one exhausted family. Auburn loved her gifts. After she opened one she had to help everyone open theirs. I guess she thought they were all for her. Of course the nice toy that was suppose to last her is partially destroyed but the pack of cheap toys are still in tack. I give them a week tops. Doug and I got more than what we needed but love everything we got. It was nice to have a day off together. I hope everyone had as good of a Christmas as we did. As usual it came and went too fast. Just like the year. The best part about today was thinking about how lucky and blessed we are. We don't always remember or think about the good things but the holidays tend to make us slow down a bit to remember. I am thankful for my family and friends, my puppy and home, my job and my income, and my life together with Doug. I am one very lucky lady and I am very grateful for everything I have. Now to remember that everyday, even during the downs in life, will be the New Year resolution.

The toy that did not survive...

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

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