
Sunday, April 28, 2013

The first of many fun weekends

This weekend was our first weekend together and it could not have been more beautiful. Friday night we went to a Baysox baseball game in Bowie with Doug's parents. (One of the few minor league teams in the area.) I was thrilled to see they were doing fireworks that night too. It got a little chilly when the sun went down but it was a great game so it was worth it.

Saturday we could not decide what we wanted to do. We had thought about going to Baltimore or DC but we had appointments to get our hair cut and did not want to rush to get back. Since it was such a nice day we decided on lunch at a rooftop restaurant (Cadillac Ranch in Annapolis), a nice drive to enjoy the sun, and some frozen yogurt. I wish I would have taken a picture of my salad. I got the BBQ chicken salad. It was sooo good! I ate way too much because I could not stop. Good thing it was nice out so I could walk it off. :)

I love how country (wooded/untouched) some parts of the state are. 

Hair blowing all over the place with the windows down. 

Getting our eat on. 

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