
Saturday, May 10, 2014

Nice weather = no power?

We have finally been getting some nice weather up here. Cool in the mornings but it warms up quick in the afternoons. Unfortunately, the storms us Southerner's are accustom to are also making their way up here. Not as severe but we have been getting a ton of rain. Thursday evening it was nice and sunny so we grilled some hot dogs. I was pulling the fries out of the oven when I heard a low, grumbling "whomp, whomp, whomp". Each whomp came with a block of houses going dark. Have no idea what caused the outage but luckily it only lasted for a couple of hours and we had plenty of candles. Nothing like eating hot dogs by candlelight. Romantic right?

Friday night I was not going to chance jinxing us by cooking and having the power go out again (good enough excuse, right?) so we went out for dinner. It was a little cool but it was a nice night to sit outside and enjoy a good meal. Especially a free one! The last time we went to this restaurant they were not sitting anyone because the kitchen was so far behind. We left, went somewhere else, and I sent a little email to the owner. He apologized and gave us a gift card to make up for the bad experience. Well, last night's service was much better. I mean, we actually got a table. That is already a 100% improvement. Ha!

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