(Wrote on 9/15/14)
I finally have a moment to sit and type about how the story began. This post is titled taking it back to the beginning but in all reality, we have no clue what was "the beginning". In all the hustle and bustle of preparing to move, we just can't recall. All I can tell you is that on August 12th I was sitting at work, looking at my calendar, and thinking, "I think I missed my monthly cycle." I am not the one who tracks this so I could not remember when was my last; however, I had this gut feeling that time had came and gone. Maybe it was the queasiness...
So after work I headed to the drug store and bought the dreaded test. As most of you know, Doug and I had never really liked kids let alone wanted kids. It was just not our thing. So this "test" was like a death sentence looming over my head. Of course I took both tests and swore they were wrong. I cried... A LOT! But until I was for sure this was happening, I would hold it together...
until Doug called from work to say hey. He was working late getting ready for a VP to visit his store the next day. I talked calmly at first but then calm went to crazy when I told him he had to take Thursday afternoon off to go with me to the doctor. Of course my request on top of my freaking out completely scared the shit out of him. So I had to come clean about the "false positive" tests I took.
We didn't talk about much the next couple of days. Just focused on prepping to move and his big visit. And I cried a lot. He was running late to the appointment so I had to face the music by myself. When the doctor gave me my results, I may have said some inappropriate woo woo words... Doug pulled into the parking lot just as I was walking out. My tears answered his, "How did it go, question.
Next thing we knew, it was moving week. Doug's parents had went out of town for a two week vacation and with my new physical condition, Doug was left by himself to get us moved. I helped where I could but the exhaustion and sickness hit me hard. I lost about 5 lbs between my "discovery" and my first appointment on Sept 10. It was not good. I stuck to mostly cleaning and anything close to a toilet. Our friend Ryan helped as much as he could. I think him and Doug deserve a long, relaxing vacation after the week of hell. I am so thankful to have them both. They kept me as comfortable as I could be, fed as much as I could be, and made sure I got the rest I so much needed.
I am slowly feeling better and getting situated in our new home. The unpacking is going very slowly with my exhaustion/weakness. It took us about 2 weeks to sleep in our new bed (new mattress and new bedroom furniture). We stayed on the 2nd floor on the old mattress on the floor. It was impossible for me to climb the stairs to the top floor and even now I have trouble. I get very winded and my heart goes nuts. I am not the most in shape person in the world, but going from running 3+ miles to not being able to walk up stairs has been very hard for me mentally. It is perfect running weather right now and I am stuck inside trying to determine if I have the energy to make it up the stairs to pee. Of course some days are better than others so I try to do as much as I can on those days. Walking Auburn is one of my top priorities. Poor thing has been cooped up in this new house and dying to get out and run.
After a long week of moving and my "illness", our 5 year anniversary was not top priority. Our date night consisted of me, Doug, and Ryan eating around 8 pm at the new IHOP that opened close to our house. Yep, very romantic. The restaurant had a very diverse group of patrons that kept us very entertained. I must say it was probably the oddest restaurant experience I have ever had. Oh, and apparently it was also "Screaming kids eat free" night. Oh what a joy it was...
Our first OB appointment was Sept 10th. It went fine. I was very nervous for the ultrasound, as this was the final confirmation. No more denial after that. He/She even did a little dance for me to try and make me smile. Unfortunately, it totally wigged me out but I am pretty sure all the excited family and friends would have loved to have seen it. Then the mean ole doctors wanted all my blood so that didn't help the appointment end happily. I survived but it was a little touch and go there for a few. Luckily I had a really nice lady (that got my sarcasm) and she was patient with me. I told her I had bad blood giving veins and she totally agreed. Between the dehydration and them hiding, it took a lot of fist pumping and two sticks until she finally got one. If Doug was not there with me, I would not have made it through.
One good thing is that I am completely off all my blood pressure medicine. We are keeping a close eye on it but are hopeful I will not need it again. I am scared my inactivity will make it rise again so I hope to get literally back on my feet again soon.
So now you are completely up-to-date with what has been really going on in the Nunley household. As we have been telling the news, people keep asking if we knew before we started looking at houses. As you have read, we had no clue. We were unknowingly doing exactly what we needed to do for our growing family. Doug is disappointed he is loosing his office but is very happy to be filling it with a new member of the family.
As for me, I am getting there. This is big... life-changing. It will take some time for it all to sink in. I was working on a new, four legged member of the family. Little did I know there were bigger things going on that would be blessing us with only two. I know I will get there but in the meantime I will be excited for all my loved ones who are excited enough for me. I have until April, right?
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