
Monday, September 28, 2015

Thank you Uncle Ryan and Aunt Shannon

I know it doesn't look like much but this is one of my favorite pictures. Mason (and Doug and I) are so lucky to have Uncle Ryan and Aunt Shannon. These two people are the best, most amazing friends. They have accepted our new parenthood status and have embraced Mason like a nephew. They buy him toys, clothes, diapers, formula, and anything else he could need. Every time we see them they have something for him. They love to spoil him and, even better, they love spending time with him. They come in, say hello to us and Auburn, and then spend the rest of their time playing with Mason. They do it to give us a tiny break but mainly because they genuinely want to spend time with him. I am amazed how natural they are with him. I was never that way around kids before being a mom. Every time we call, they are right there to help with whatever we need. Whether it be a ride to the airport, taking care of Auburn, or helping with something around the house, they never complain or say no. So thank you, Ryan and Shannon, for being there for all 4 of us whenever we may need. We owe you big!

Upside down Mason

His favorite thing in the world is to be flipped upside down. He will giggle and squeal every time. He even leans back once you set him up right, wanting to back upside down again. It's the cutest thing. He is the cutest thing. We are definitely in those fun, love, snuggle, and giggle days. :)

Just in case you were wondering about the dog...

Just in case you were wondering about the dog, she is still alive. Has she almost lost her life a few times barking at god knows what while Mason was sleeping? Yes. Has she taken to running out the door to anyone that she can find outside. Yes. Our neighbors are very nice and corral her for us but she has almost been ran over, has jumped inside someone's truck, and has jumped in someone's lap inside their vehicle. I think she is trying to send us a message. Has she grown any closer to Mason? No. It is sad because he loves her. I mean LOVES her. Every time she walks by him she takes all his attention. He will reach his tiny little hand out to pet her and she will walk as far away from him as she can to avoid being touched by him. We are really hopping she will give in and become his friend. If not, looks like Mason will be getting a doggy for his birthday!I know Auburn would just love living with us after that. Ha! Poor thing.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Renaissance Festival

Today was a beautiful, kinda cool day so we headed out to the annual Renaissance Festival. Doug and I were very nervous to go. There a lot of people, lots of people drinking, and not a lot of room to walk let alone maneuver a stroller. We contemplated the Bjorn carrier but it was still a bit warm and we would have been really hot. The stroller worked but the rocky/straw roads/paths made things interesting. I definitely got my workout pushing him up and down the hills. He loved looking around and being outside. He didn't fuss one time which let us stay longer. We shopped, got our eat on, people watched (because that is the main reason you go), and we were pooped. We were able to see parts of a few acts but since they were so crowded it was hard to get a good seat that was stroller friendly. We had a great time spending the afternoon together outside on the beautiful day. I definitely know three people who are going to sleep amazing tonight!

Eating lunch at Panera Bread before we headed to the festival.

Mason wasn't sure where we had taken him

Family portrait

Love this silly boy

Taking a break with Daddy


What do you get when you are 5 months and 1 day old? Yummy rice cereal of course. Tonight we gave him a whole whopping 1 tablespoon of rice cereal mixed in with a couple ounces of formula. He didn't know what to make of it at first but I think he liked it ok. He wasn't pushing the spoon away or turning his head. We bought some oatmeal to try too. After reading about both, I didn't really find a "recommend one over the other". Both had pro's and cons so I figured we would try both and let him decide.

Off to school

Mason loves going to school. Combine that with being a morning person and you get this every day. (It's pretty awesome!)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Mason videos

Developmental checkup

When leaving NICU at Children's we were told he would be required to do developmental checkups due to his treatment and the small amount of time he had a lack of oxygen to his brain. Today was our first of those appointments. I was really nervous going back to the hospital and to have the doctor look at him. It brought up a lot of sad memories and I was scared he was not developing as he should. On the way there, I saw that Baby Parker had passed. It broke my heart. We were so thankful to being going on a simple checkup while this other family was grieving. It really put our experience into perspective and made me thankful for every second I have spent with Mason.

Side note - on the way to DC we saw two Mustangs racing. They were driving in the opposite direction, towards Annapolis on 50. As they passed us one tried to pass the other. With the high speed and swing, passing maneuver he was doing he lost control and slammed into the guard rail in the median. His car then bounced off the rail and shot across the road, barely missing oncoming traffic. Moral of the story... DON'T STREET RACE! Loosing your car and possibly your life is not worth the "I am faster" bragging rights.

The doctor did a series of "tests" that showed her how Mason was developing. While sitting in our lap she had him grab and hold objects, look at himself in the mirror, and reach for items. She looked for his ability to hold himself and his head up, reach for and hold items, and his alertness to sounds. He hasn't learned how to hold objects for a long time or reach far to get them. He also didn't slam the toys on the table. She said we needed to have more table time with him to help him learn these things and that he should be doing them with ease by 6 months.

She got down on a play mat with him and did a lot of the same tests. She was pleased with his head control and that he could lift his head/torso up off the mat and look around. She said we should give him more tummy time and teach him to reach for toys. He also needs to practice getting himself back to his back, sitting up, and crawling.

I was glad to hear Mason met the normal 5 month age expectations and that no specialist was needed for now. However, I did leave thinking I was not doing enough for Mason's development. I know she talked a lot of "future" stuff but I felt like she expected to see these milestones sooner rather than later. There were a lot of "Don't do this" (no tv, no laying, no toys hanging over him, no walkers, no helping him get things, etc) and "Do more of this" (table time, tummy time, crawling practice, etc). Doug and I try our best to teach him and play with him. Now, with these appointments, I feel like the pressure is on. I don't want Mason to be behind and I don't want to be looked at like a bad Mom. Mason had a great time playing and Mom came home with all the homework and stress.

Our next appointment is at the beginning of February. Is it too early to hire a tutor? :)

4 month checkup

Last week Mason had his 4 month checkup. He had a slight cold but he was in good health other than that. His diaper rash has improved and his gassy tummy is much better. He weighed 14 pounds 11 ounces and was 27 inches tall. That keeps him in the 90th percentile for height. We are getting ready to introduce rice or oatmeal to his diet. The doctor said we would be ready for solid food by our 6 month checkup. He got 2 shots and 1 oral vaccine. He did good and cried very little; however, he was a bit fussy and developed a fever. Thankfully it did not last long and he was back to his goofy self within no time.

Mason is really becoming independent. From rolling over and feeding himself, he is really growing up. He is grabbing toys and really interacting with them now. He can reach for items, hold them, and move them around as he wants. Bouncing on a knee or in his jumparoo is his favorite thing to do. He likes to stretch his legs and attempt standing up. The silly boy loves to fly up in the air or be held upside down. His laugh is more distinct and it is frequently heard as he is a very happy baby. He still likes to put his feet in his mouth. He has learned to take his socks off so he can get at those little toes. He is now in the crib and is sleeping 7 hours or so each night. Even if he does wake up he will take his bottle and go right back to sleep without a fight.

Playing with Daddy while waiting on the doctor.