
Sunday, September 20, 2015

Renaissance Festival

Today was a beautiful, kinda cool day so we headed out to the annual Renaissance Festival. Doug and I were very nervous to go. There a lot of people, lots of people drinking, and not a lot of room to walk let alone maneuver a stroller. We contemplated the Bjorn carrier but it was still a bit warm and we would have been really hot. The stroller worked but the rocky/straw roads/paths made things interesting. I definitely got my workout pushing him up and down the hills. He loved looking around and being outside. He didn't fuss one time which let us stay longer. We shopped, got our eat on, people watched (because that is the main reason you go), and we were pooped. We were able to see parts of a few acts but since they were so crowded it was hard to get a good seat that was stroller friendly. We had a great time spending the afternoon together outside on the beautiful day. I definitely know three people who are going to sleep amazing tonight!

Eating lunch at Panera Bread before we headed to the festival.

Mason wasn't sure where we had taken him

Family portrait

Love this silly boy

Taking a break with Daddy

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