
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Bath Time

I rarely get pictures of Mason in the bath since I am usually the one bathing him. It's also hard to get pictures without certain parts showing. So since Doug was home and available to help I grabbed the camera and took a couple. This little man loves baths! He loves playing in the water and splashing all around. He has so outgrown the baby tub but I am not ready to put him in the big tub. He needs to be more steady sitting up before I can. Too scared he will flop over and suck in water. Plus he likes to scoot and roll around. I can barely keep him steady in the small tub. I will break my back trying to keep him steady and upright. Maybe in another month we can upgrade. It's not like I am looking forward to being on my knees and elbows over the side of the tub.

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