
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas 2010

This Christmas came and went again like all other Christmases... FAST. Ha! I feel like I just put up the tree now it is already time to take it back down. Sad!

This year we were unable to go to Alabama so my parents drove over. We spent Christmas Eve with Doug's parents and then Christmas day everyone came over for dinner. Thanks to my Mom for helping me cook and thanks to Doug's Mom for making the yummy ham!

Our Christmas was pretty uneventful so I do not have much to blog about. We missed all of our family and we hope to make it home next year. Doug was permanently restricted from handing out presents this year. He accidentally (aka didn't look at the tag on the present to see who it actually went to) opened one of his Dad's presents. Would not have been that big of deal if it was not his Dad's big, surprise present. Yeah, he ruined that! But in his defense the tag probably did say "To Doug". They just did not specify which Doug. I got Doug the XBox Kinect and we have had a great time playing it. The best part is the game takes pictures of you as you play. The are so much fun to look at after the game is over.

The snow the day after Christmas was so nice. I wish more snow would have stuck to the ground but it was nice having the snow without the mess. We thought it was going to stop snowing around lunch so we waited until then to get out and about. Since it did not stop snowing we got to shop in the snow. It was really cool. A little wet and cold but how many southerners can say they were out shopping while it was snowing?

I am off today and tomorrow and I am using the time to get stuff done around the house. From putting up our new bedding set for our bedroom to cleaning windows, I am going to be very busy the next few days. It's amazing how much stuff you can come up with that you have been putting off doing!

So as most of you know from my Facebook status, I have my first set of stitches. Well, a couple of weeks ago I noticed a mole on my arm had turned really dark and it felt like a scab. So I called my family doctor and they told me to come in so they could look at it. They thought it would be best for me to go and have it biopsied so I went on Tuesday to a dermatologist and had that done. The doctor said it should come back ok. I will let you know if it doesn't.

So that was my Christmas. Short, sweet, and calm. Now on to tackling that to do list. Wish me luck!

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