
Friday, December 17, 2010

I've got nothin!

Well... it's been almost a month and I have had nothing to blog about. Yes my wonderful Auburn Tigers came back and beat Bama, yes the spanked South Carolina in the SEC Championship, yes Cam won the Heisman, and yes we are national champ bowl bound. But we knew all that was going to happen so not much to talk about. :)
Thanksgiving was nothing to blog about. We had a quiet dinner with Doug's parents and that was it. We had Ray's Birthday but I did not take many pictures. I was nice and spared everyone. We had Girls Night Out Christmas Party but the light was bad and I could not get any pictures. Trust me, I tried really hard!
Other than that we have been up to nothing. Getting ready for Christmas is taking up most of our time. Getting gifts, decorating, and trying to figure out where we are going to spend it. Drive home to Valley on Friday and come back Sunday (thumbs down) or have Mom and Dad come up (thumbs up). My Dad's family is getting together Christmas Eve and we would not make it there in time. My Mom's side is doing Christmas a week early. So I would be driving to just see my parents. They are off the following Monday and Tuesday so they have more time to come see us. But with my Grandmother being sick my Mom is scared to leave town. She just knows as soon as she gets here the hospital will call and tell her "it's time". So currently we are at a stalemate.
My Grandmother gave me money for Christmas this year and since they did not know if she would make it to Christmas I wanted to buy something special. I ended up buying a ring from Pandora. I was in the store for about an hour, poor Doug, but I did find a ring I loved. I will think of my Grandmother every time I wear it!

Funny story about Christmas decorations... I forgot I bought a ton of stuff the day after Christmas last year. Oops! So after I bought more wrapping paper and ornaments I now have enough to last a few couple of decades. Oops!
They have been doing some re-arranging at work and they took my best friend away from me. Yes. I am sad to report Sara is now working at a different location. Our branch is still in mourning. We are slowly getting back to normal but I have a feeling we will never be the same. We still have e-mail, text, and blogs but it is not the same. We may start doing Girls Night Out a couple of times a month.
Doug finally made me upgrade my phone. The dinosaur has been retired. I do miss her but I like my new Samsung Fascinate. It is taking some getting use to. This phone is way more high-tec than I am use to. I can text and get on Facebook. Making a call is not as easy as my old phone but I am getting use to it. Doug constantly yells at me for how dirty the screen is and how I never "play" on it. He spends hours on his phone so if I do not he thinks I am not spending enough time with my phone. I feel like I have to schedule a play date with it or something. It's a freaking phone, Doug!

Well I think that is all the nothing I have going on for now. Maybe I will have nothing happen again soon so I can tell you about it. Until then, I hope yall have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


  1. I remember you phone well... Like everytime I see this... :)

  2. we will always have saturdays! Loved my shout out. Trust me, main office is not the only mourner.
