
Friday, January 28, 2011

2010 in Pictures...

It snowed... the day before we were scheduled to go out of town.

Charleston, South Carolina for Valentines Day!

Doug's 28th Birthday!

Matt & Kim's wedding!

Jessica graduated from college!

Baseball in Augusta!

I had a pool party for my birthday this year!

Panama City Beach Florida; July 4th

Eating our wedding cake a week before our anniversary because we would be in Wisconsin on our actual anniversary.

Wisconsin trip

South Carolina vs Tennessee; Columbia, South Carolina

Happy Halloween! Doug and I are not the dress up types.

Lady Antebellum concert in Augusta!

Jessica's Birthday @ the local hockey game.

Trenton Ellis turned 1 year old!

We did it! Auburn beat the crap out of South Carolina and we where on our way to the BCS National Championship!

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

So this month has been a busy one. Work has kept me pretty busy all day and my life has kept me busy all evening. Between the snow and the funeral, it feels like I have done nothing but play catch up at work. I have only worked 10 full days this month! Too bad the other days have not been spent at the beach or a spa!

I was in Bama for the National Championship celebration this past weekend but I chose not to go. Me and Mom had not spent any time together the whole week I was home so we took the day to get away and do some shopping. We did go to Auburn the day after the funeral with some family to stock up on our Auburn apparel. It was wonderful to see the National Champions flags already flying on College Street.

I hate I missed the celebration but it was time well spent with my Mommy. The whole week we had at least a living room full of people at our house throughout the day. It was great seeing my family especially since it has been a long time since we all got together. but it did make me a little claustrophobic. Me and Doug left one evening to go to Wal-Mart just so we could get out of the house for awhile. Our church and family friends are the best anyone could ask for. They asked if there was anything they could do and did something anyways if you told them no. We had so much food that we did not have to bother thinking about what we were going to eat. I am thankful to everyone who called, gave their time or cooking skills, and prayed for us last week. I am especially thankful that I was able to take the days off I needed to be with my family. Not everyone can say that and I am truly do appreciate it.

In response to a friend of mine's blog that asked would you rather know or not know that someone was about to die... You want to know so you can have that last conversation and tell them how much you love, appreciate, and are going to miss them. You also want the time to prepare yourself so you do not go into a state of shock. I think more people get severely depressed after loosing a loved one if it was a sudden loss compared to having time to process it. You also get to appreciate the times you spend together more. Now that I have said that, let me say this. I also do not think the person should have to suffer. I would rather them go quickly and feel no pain than have one last day with them. Yes, it would be nice to be able to have that last conversation with everyone you love but that will not always be able to happen. No last conversation or script of what you would like to say is needed if you tell them now while they are still here. If you tell them now how much you love them and appreciate them then when they pass they will go knowing exactly how you felt about them.

Who takes pictures at funerals?

Answer - MY FAMILY!

How weird is that? They took pictures of the casket, my Grandmother inside the casket, the flowers, and of people standing by the casket. These pictures where taken at the funeral home and at the grave site. I can understand the pictures of the flowers because flowers do not last forever but the rest is just plain oogie. I refused to take part in this family tradition... and yes I said family tradition. It seems that ALL my family like to take pictures at funerals. We found a photo album that belonged to my Grandmother that was nothing but funerals! Caskets, flowers, and bodies!

My question to you is, is this a southern thing? Or is this an old fashion thing? Or is this just a weird thing? I love my family and all but this is not a tradition I would like to continue. And for the ones closest to me who practice this crazy tradition, you can forget about me taking pictures at your funeral and do not even think about doing it at mine!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A sporadic blog

Since I still have much of nothing going on to write about, here are a few sporadic things that have happened in the past few weeks.

Well two of the biggest things (one the biggest thing in my life besides Doug (love you sweetie!)) happened all at the same time... Auburn won the National Championship and we got snow. Well snow then ice but it was snow first! The game was a great game. All I will say about it is the Defense won that game for us and I am very proud of them. I have enjoyed flying my new Auburn flag for my car that my Mom got me for Christmas. Ironically (HAHA!) so have many other Auburn fans. I see way more people with Auburn on their car or clothes since they won the SEC championship. Very Odd... I ordered my National Champions shirt yesterday. I have to save up some for the cup, magnet, car decal, and everything else they sell that has 2010 National Champions on it. :)My Birthday should be easy this year for Doug. Ha!

The snow was very nice but we did not get to enjoy it much. It started snowing at 9 pm Sunday, right when it was time to go to bed. They still had not canceled work yet so we had to go to bed and get some sleep to be up at the normal time. By the time we got up the ice had taken over the snow. My neighbor tried to have a snow ball fight but the ice would not cooperate. I stayed in the house and admired from the window. I did open the door a few times to take some pictures but mostly I handed the camera to Doug and sent him out. Ha! The best part was watching the Weather Channel. They were set up in Atlanta and shooting live all over the city. All they talked about was the huge and dangerous winter storm that was plummeting the southeast. Then they would pan out to show the inches of snow and ice. Ha! I bet the people in places like New York and Wisconsin were laughing their butts off at us. They don't close anything unless there is 2 feet or more (just guessing here) of snow. Us southerners run around like its the end of days, stocking up on our food and water where they get in their cars and go to work.

And guess what... I had to get a new phone!
-Doug this is the part you stop reading!-
I never had any (according to me!) trouble with my old dinosaur phone but I had to get a new one. So what happens? The new one gives me problems. Now yall know me so you know how I love change and I love replacing things I have had for a long time... I had already made the switch once and I had come to like my new phone. Now I had to do it all over again. What made it worse was they sent me a refurbished (AKA USED and BROKE) phone. So of course this leads to a "disagreement" because I am not ecstatic about the new phone. I am happy that I have another phone but we only had it turned on for an hour. How do we know THIS phone is going to work properly? Plus I had to go and change everything to get it back the way I had it. How dare they expect me to personally customize the phone to the way I prefer it! They should have someone do it before hand. Every time I could not do something or figure out why the phone would not do it (yes, it was the phone a few times and not the operator), I would ask Doug and he would take the phone and do it for me. While he would have it I would get super anxious that I would not be able to get it back the way I wanted it or that I would not be able to do it all that night. Doug would get mad at me for not "playing" with my phone enough to know how to change everything I wanted to change. I responded by telling him to stop taking the phone away from me and show me how to do it. I think I have it all done now but I have not "played" with it to find out either. I will take not knowing for now... Kiss it DOUG!

Shout out to Margaret! I hope I made you laugh today!