
Thursday, June 30, 2011

It's my BIRTHDAY (Part 1)

So today is my 28th Birthday. No special number, no special plans, but a Birthday none-the-less. We kicked things off yesterday when Jessica Y came over for dinner. I made my first attempt at cooking fajitas (from a box)! I must say I did a dang good job. I swear there is some Mexican under my white pasty skin! Jessica brought over a gallon of cheese dip (literally! It was in a to-go style styrofoam cup)and chips from my favorite Mexican restaurant and we pigged out!

Later that evening Doug's parents stopped by to give me my gift. They are moving to Maryland today so they were not going to be able to see me. They went in with Doug and got me a small TV for the kitchen. It is really nice and I love it! Our neighbors also came over to say bye to Doug's parents. In the end we had a full house. Auburn, of course, thought everyone had come over to play with her so she was happy as can be. Ha!

Tonight we are going to my favorite Mexican restaurant (see I told you I was Mexican) with friends. This year we went low key but I am sure we will be having a blow-out party here soon...! Stay tuned for details!

I will blog again tomorrow with pictures from last night and tonight.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I love using Shutterfly. I have over 20 photo books made and I also order my Christmas cards and prints from them. They have recently updated their "Custom Path" section of designing photo books. Before, you could pick the layout, background, and font size & colors. Now you can do everything. Pick a layout but do not like the placement of a picture or text box, move it. You can delete what you do not like and add whatever you want. You can also re-size the pictures and text boxes. It is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! It really gives you that "scrapbooking" feeling by giving you stickers and embellishments. If you are not that picky, they do have "Idea Pages" and "Layouts" that already have everything on there for you. But one click of the "Customize Page" button will fix any little thing you do not like on that page.
I attached the book I did using the new "Custom Path". As you look through it, remember I hand placed every thing on each page. It was so much fun! I hope you try it out!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Auburn pictures

It has been awhile since I posted some pictures of Auburn. Since she is changing so much I am going to try and keep them more up-to-date.

She has also outgrown her bed. She uses it now as a play toy.

She has outgrown her crate. We bought her a new one today.

Play time with Mommy!

She fell alseep waiting on Dad to get home.

One of her favorite spots to lay and chew on her toys.

Nap time with blanky

Her favorite plush squeaky toy that she destroyed and we had to throw away.

Her new favorite blanky from Doug's Grandparents

Where's my puppy?

Doug dropped off Auburn at the groomer's today and came home with a different puppy!



Look at how tiny her ears are! She is not even the same color. I can not believe the difference!

She was suppose to be done at noon but when Doug went to pick her up she was not ready yet. The groomer told Doug that Auburn was being "difficult" (in other words she hates the clippers). I know Auburn hates being brushed but she did not give them any trouble when she had her puppy trim. The lady told Doug she ended up having to use scissors to cut her ears and beard. Poor thing. She was either scared to death or was trying to play. Either way, she finally looks like a Schnauzer!