
Thursday, June 23, 2011


I love using Shutterfly. I have over 20 photo books made and I also order my Christmas cards and prints from them. They have recently updated their "Custom Path" section of designing photo books. Before, you could pick the layout, background, and font size & colors. Now you can do everything. Pick a layout but do not like the placement of a picture or text box, move it. You can delete what you do not like and add whatever you want. You can also re-size the pictures and text boxes. It is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! It really gives you that "scrapbooking" feeling by giving you stickers and embellishments. If you are not that picky, they do have "Idea Pages" and "Layouts" that already have everything on there for you. But one click of the "Customize Page" button will fix any little thing you do not like on that page.
I attached the book I did using the new "Custom Path". As you look through it, remember I hand placed every thing on each page. It was so much fun! I hope you try it out!

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