
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

White House & a Smithsonian

Today we did a tour of the White House then walked down to the Museum of Natural History. It rained a little on the way there but the sun came out and we had quite a nice day. We were not allowed to take pictures inside the house but we did get to take some after we got outside. The tour was short and sweet but major cool. We got to see the East Room, Green, Red, and Blue Rooms, the State Dining Room, the Library (one of my favorites!), Vermeil Room, China Room, and the Diplomatic Reception Room. The hallways were decorated with Official White House Photos and oil portraits of previous Presidents and Vice Presidents. My favorite was one of Nancy Reagan in a red gown. Google it. She is BEAUTIFUL!

The tour ended in the front/back middle of the house where the President often gives speeches from. You would recognize it. It was the place President Obama announced the death of Bin Laden. The Secret Service/tour guides are very knowledgeable and answered all of our questions without hesitation. One even told us how the rooms were used by the President and his family (currently there are sleepovers held in the East Room) and there have even been some epic parties thrown. We were disappointed to not see the Oval Office, Situation Room, and the Lincoln Room : ) but we plan on trying to bribe someone to get us in there next time.

After the tour we walked down to the Museum of Natural History. We ate at the cafeteria there and I was quite surprised. The food was actually good. Real good! We definitely paid well for the good food but I think it was worth it.

It was a great day and I can't wait until Doug and I get another day off together.

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