
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sick baby

This morning Doug and I woke up to a tootsie roll surprise (if you get my drift) on the bedroom floor. We scolded her, cleaned it up, and I got in the shower while Doug went back to bed. I was not out of the shower yet when Doug came in and told me Auburn threw up in the bed. Thank goodness we invested in a mattress cover. She acted like she was feeling okay so we thought it was a fluke thing and didn't think much more about it. Then when Doug got home from taking me to work he found a mess on the carpet. She was good while he was home before he went to work but when I got home I found two more. I must say it was the grossest thing I have ever seen or smelt. I would take baby diarrhea over what I found in the kitchen!  I called the vet and they said to feed her bland food like rice and watch her. If she is not back to tootsie rolls in the morning we will be going to the vet. She is being so pitiful this evening. I ate dinner on the couch (carrots (her favorite), taters, and roast) and she did not budge. Normally she is all in our face trying to get a bite. Poor, sick baby. I hate that she can't tell us what hurts or there is not an easy way to find out what is wrong. Hopefully she will be back to normal tomorrow and no trip to the vet will be required!

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