
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Air & Space Smithsonian in VA

A week later but better late than never, right? We have been busy Nunley's the last week and a half. Lots to do and lots of fun. Last Friday I took off half a day and we headed to the Air & Space Smithsonian in VA. Doug's cousin was in town for a week so we planned lots of site seeing for her. Unfortunately, after two days we were exhausted so we opted for the couch instead of Gettysburg and Baltimore on Sunday and Monday. If you ever get up this way we highly recommend the Air and Space Museum. It is about a half day trip between the drive over and all the exhibits inside. We are so glad we got the opportunity to visit.

Seen "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen"? Then you would recognize this Smithsonian and this plane. They had a whole display with props from the movie and a video of how they brought the Transformer plane alive. 

Cool plane with a cartoon cat carrying a bomb. :)

One of the Discovery shuttles

It literally looks like wood with thousands of Duct Tape squares covering it.

The Concord - One of the fastest commercial planes

You could go up in the observation tower that was an old air traffic control tower. It overlooked the Dulles International Airport runways. 

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