
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

It's Fall Yall!

Last Saturday we kicked off Fall with a trip to the Renaissance Festival. The weather could not have been more perfect for a day outside. Unfortunately everyone else thought the same thing. They were packed! It took us an hour to get there with all the traffic. I wanted a funnel cake but the line was 30+ people deep. We plan on going again late October. Hopefully the crowd will be less because if it is not we will spend the entire day standing in line for food & beer. I mean, that is more than half the reason you go to these things. Turkey legs, funnel cakes, fried anything you can think of, and cheesecake on a stick (said like Jeff Dunham...)! Thank goodness you are walking the entire time or I would be in BIG trouble. :)

Ok, these three people were a balancing/juggling act. When they first walked out I was like, "Damn, she is cut! I want her abs!" The after they started performing I realized why. They were holding each other up and using every inch of muscle in their bodies. Maybe they can start a trend in the fitness market. I would take that class if my abs could look like hers!


  1. Is this the Renaissance Festival in Union City, GA? I used to go all of the time since I lived close by.

  2. Michelle, I am not sure if this is the same one but this one is in MD every year from Aug - Oct. Here is the webpage...
