
Thursday, July 23, 2015

2nd Cardiologist Appointment

We had a good cardiologist appointment last week. Maaon's pulmonary pressure (what caused the PPHN) decreased from 50% to about 30%.  The doctor was very pleased with this decrease, his valves, and his murmur. We go back for another check up in January when he is 9 months. The doctor thinks his murmur will be gone by the next appointment. Mason was so happy during the appointment. I literally had to hold him still so the doctor could hear and see everything he needed to. He is a little wiggle worm! He was grabbing the white paper on the table and pulling it over his head. He even tried grabbing the sonogram thing out of the doctors hand. Such a mess! The doctor was happy he was in a good mood and not screaming but he made it difficult for the doctor to get all the images he needed. 

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