
Monday, September 28, 2015

Just in case you were wondering about the dog...

Just in case you were wondering about the dog, she is still alive. Has she almost lost her life a few times barking at god knows what while Mason was sleeping? Yes. Has she taken to running out the door to anyone that she can find outside. Yes. Our neighbors are very nice and corral her for us but she has almost been ran over, has jumped inside someone's truck, and has jumped in someone's lap inside their vehicle. I think she is trying to send us a message. Has she grown any closer to Mason? No. It is sad because he loves her. I mean LOVES her. Every time she walks by him she takes all his attention. He will reach his tiny little hand out to pet her and she will walk as far away from him as she can to avoid being touched by him. We are really hopping she will give in and become his friend. If not, looks like Mason will be getting a doggy for his birthday!I know Auburn would just love living with us after that. Ha! Poor thing.

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