
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

4 month checkup

Last week Mason had his 4 month checkup. He had a slight cold but he was in good health other than that. His diaper rash has improved and his gassy tummy is much better. He weighed 14 pounds 11 ounces and was 27 inches tall. That keeps him in the 90th percentile for height. We are getting ready to introduce rice or oatmeal to his diet. The doctor said we would be ready for solid food by our 6 month checkup. He got 2 shots and 1 oral vaccine. He did good and cried very little; however, he was a bit fussy and developed a fever. Thankfully it did not last long and he was back to his goofy self within no time.

Mason is really becoming independent. From rolling over and feeding himself, he is really growing up. He is grabbing toys and really interacting with them now. He can reach for items, hold them, and move them around as he wants. Bouncing on a knee or in his jumparoo is his favorite thing to do. He likes to stretch his legs and attempt standing up. The silly boy loves to fly up in the air or be held upside down. His laugh is more distinct and it is frequently heard as he is a very happy baby. He still likes to put his feet in his mouth. He has learned to take his socks off so he can get at those little toes. He is now in the crib and is sleeping 7 hours or so each night. Even if he does wake up he will take his bottle and go right back to sleep without a fight.

Playing with Daddy while waiting on the doctor.

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