
Sunday, February 16, 2014

And why not some more snow!

So after we got the 10 inches (officially from the local news) on Thursday, we got hit again Friday into the night with another 3-4 inches.

Remember that nicely cleaned off car and shoveled parking spot... it was gone within a couple of hours. I had to re-shovel on Friday. :(


The wind blew all of the snow out of the trees after the first round of snow. This was all from the second round we got.  

And if that was not enough, we got a wet, mushy 1-2 inches on Saturday. I decided to adventure out after it stopped and walked down the road to this trail that goes through the woods. I definitely got my workout from walking through the snow and trying to stay upright but the view was worth it.

The news is reporting will we get some more snow Monday night into Tuesday morning. I am not sure how much but we are suppose to get into the 50's during the week so it shouldn't stay around too long. I already have my shorts and bathing suits pulled out for the warm weather. :) So excited to see 40 and 50 degrees!!

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