
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Work it!

So last year I began working out. No seriously. I did. We were going to the beach and I had to get my flab under control before I could strut my stuff at the beach. So I got my weights and balance ball out of the closet (been collecting dust since the wedding) and got to work. I didn't diet, just cut portion sizes and quit snacking in between meals so much. I did On Demand workouts, running, and made up my own while I watched my favorite shows. By the time we got to the beach I was feeling good and most of my clothes were loose on me. But when we got back, I didn't stop. I kept at it and by August I was in my skinny jeans (bought before the wedding). By Thanksgiving, the skinny jeans were loose on me and I was having to buy new, smaller clothes because not much was fitting anymore. Then in December and January I fell off the wagon. There was a lot going on and the Christmas break kept going for a few extra weeks. :)

In February I got back at it again. It is too cold to go running so I was sticking to inside stuff. Then one day a week or so ago, a friend posted this video on Facebook,

One watch and I was addicted. I started following her on Facebook and in a week I have literally watched her career skyrocket. She now has a YouTube page, a website, teaching classes at gyms all over the south, and a is recording and posting new workout routines almost daily.

I don't like working out but anyone who knows me knows I LOVE to DANCE! These videos have me up on my feet for hours at night. I do almost all the videos and some twice. Its a nice break from the weights and balance ball. I am actually excited to go home and workout every night.And Doug doesn't mind me doing them at all. Ha! He calls it "Twerk Out" instead of workout. Ha!

So thank you, Jessica, for keeping by butt off the couch and shaking it! Thank you for taking extra time to post these videos and sharing them with the world.

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