
Monday, April 5, 2010

Masters, Pollen, & my OCD

It's Masters week here in Augusta. It's also Spring Break since the area schedules it during Master's week. All that means for me is working while everybody else is off. See, if you live in Augusta you rent your house out, sell your tickets, and get the hell out of town. So all my normal customers are on a nice vacation somewhere warm and tropical. I just love hearing about all their wonderful vacation plans and all the things they did while they were away. However, the city is full of people ON vacation. People all over the world are here, in the city I live in, doing exciting things. And I am at work. Yay! I want to go stand outside the Nationals and take pictures of the celebrities as they leave the course. How fun! It is so strange how something so large in scale is going on right down the road from me and it in no way has any impact on my life (besides I am working almost by myself because everybody is on vacation). I feel left out. Can I either go on vacation or be in the thick of the excitement? I want to take pictures of dolphins or Tiger. Good chance I can get a shot of one of them mating. Ha!

I am not sure about where you live but here in Augusta the pollen is horrible. I mean cloud of pollen over the city horrible. The wind blows and all you see is pollen blowing down the road. I washed my car Sunday and it is now covered. You would never know I had a grey car. I have never seen it this bad. I feel bad for all those who are outside (working or for fun). I am sure your boogies will be yellow tonight. And your lungs are really appreciating the extra coat of yuck.

I do not consider myself OCD. Doug, Yes. Me, No. I am organized but I don't think I am OCD about anything... until now. I have one thing that literally keeps me up at night. I know this is going to sound crazy to some people but it really gets me upset.
The organization of my clothing and accessories.
From shoes to pj's to belts. Hanging in the closet, sat on a shelf, or in a drawer. It all has to be in it's place. The bad thing is, I never feel it is organized enough. Nothing has a permanent place. It just has a place until I find something better to do with it.

For example.
My closet. I re-arrange it at least once a month. I feel like I can not see all my clothes properly and I am scarred I will forget I have something. But then I want to move stuff I don't wear a lot or stuff that is not in "season" (winter/summer).
My t'shirts. I have to have them in stacks according to color. Then they are stacked according to color, how much I wear, and sleeve length. And I have to always get the shirt on the bottom of the stack because I have not worn it recently. That way I wear all my shirts and I wear them in an appropriate amount of time from one another.

I could go on about each article of clothing but I want to get to the point of my telling you this story. My panties. I have over 60 pairs of underwear. I love them! I get them all at either Victoria Secret or Aerie and I get them 3-5 at a time. I threw away a trash bag full of old ones because I was running out of room. So my complex is I am scared I am not wearing each one in an appropriate time from the others (like the t'shirts). I am scared I am wearing the same ones over and over and not wearing them all. I want a cute little organization system but I have no money for one right now. And I could not wait anymore. My anxiety over these unorganized undies was killing me.

So today I grouped my undies in a few stacks according to the style, brand, and when I got them. Then I went and grabbed 7 (a weeks worth) from the stacks and put them into a Wal-Mart sack. I numbered each bag and put them in my drawer. I will wear each pair until the bag is empty then move on to the next one. When I do laundry, the clean pairs will go into an empty bag until there are 7 in that bag and move on to the next.
Sounds like a good system, right? I can not think of anything better right now. My dream is to have them organized where I could them all at one time and each one have it's own spot. I could see which one was last taken out and where the clean one from the laundry needs to go. Almost like a really big egg carton. But I would need a few big drawers for that and I don't think Doug is going to give up any of his drawers.

My next tasks, the pajama shorts/undershirt drawer!


  1. Heather my dear, sweet tormented great-niece, your undies siuation ... get rid of them all, buy two pair of white, beige and black and one red, you'll never have to worry about if they get their fair share of wearing - 7 days, 7 undies. Very little storage space, peaceful mind. Problem solved. HAHAHA Love you, you goose. Aunt Sandra

  2. This is not OCD, this is C-R-A-Z-Y! Clinically! Actually, what disturbs me more is that you put your underwear in a plastic bag. That is just odd; however, if you ever go on a trip, that is all you need! Clearly you need something else to focus all your attention on besides underwear.
