
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I had big plans for my previous weekend but in true form those plans were changed. Doug went to Huntsville Thursday with his Mom and Dad and I was staying home. I was so excited. I had the fridge stocked with junk food, chick-flick movies rented, and a great day of Saturday football planned. I was set for a lazy weekend without the hubby.

About a half hour after Doug left my Mom called to tell me that Travis had passed away. I spoke about him in a previous blog. He was very sick so I am glad he did not suffer long. So I packed my things and headed home to be with my family.

The service was nice and it was great that I was able to be there. I got to see so many family and friends that I have not seen in a very long time. My Dad almost did not make it to the service but he ended up getting off at the last minute.

I could go on and tell you all the great things that were said about Travis, all the wonderful pictures they had of him, and all the shoes that were brought to donate on his behalf but this would turn into a very long blog. So I will just say that Travis was an amazing person who was loved and befriended by everyone he met. He will be greatly missed but we are glad to know he is waiting for us by the golden gates of Heaven.

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