
Friday, December 30, 2011

DC with the parents

This week my Mom and Dad came up to visit. Dad had never been to DC so we loaded up and headed out early Wednesday morning. It was cold and quite breezy but we had a great time. I did not get to take pictures of the Star Spangled Banner display at the National Museum of American History (we got to see the original flag!) or at the National Archives (where the Constitution and Declaration of Independence is) but I think I got a picture of everything else. They were cleaning and doing construction on almost all the water fountains and the Reflecting Pool so we did not get to see any of that in it's full glory. Besides the cold, that was the only down side of the trip. There were very few crowds and there was little to no wait time. Here are just a few of Mom and Dad. I put the ones of Doug and I on Facebook.

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