
Saturday, December 31, 2011

A New Year

2011 was a big year for us. We started out with jobs we hated and ended up with jobs we love. We started out in a home we owned and ended up in an apartment. We started out in the Georgia and ended in Maryland. I started out never flying by myself and ended up a pro. We started out just the two of us and ended up with a third. We started off with tons of family and friends close by and ended up with very few.

Lots of changes but all for the good. It was a rough end of the year, leaving family and friends and having rent and a mortgage to pay, but I know things are about to change. Financially, we had an up and down year. We had to pay a nice hunk in taxes, then we had moving expenses, then we had the house in GA and the apartment in Maryland to pay for. It seemed like every time we got back on track we would get knocked back off again. But we got the deductions changed on our W-2's, I got a better paying job, we rented the house in GA in December, and yesterday Doug got a promotion at work. With one phone call from my husband, who I am so proud of, all my worries melted away. I know in 2012 we will be back on track.

I know 2012 is going to be a good year for us. We have all our friends and family supporting us, we have new friends to make, great jobs (with great pay!) to go to everyday, and we have each other (and Auburn). I have the best husband in the whole wide world. He makes me so happy and he makes me feel loved every second of every day. I am so thankful to have him in my life. I could not do it without him.

Happy New Year to you and your family. I hope you have a wonderful new year and that it is full of laughter, smiles, and love.

"Here's to the freakin" New Year, "I'll drink to that, yeah!"

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