
Monday, April 9, 2012

Forgot to tell you!

Remember a few weeks ago when I was sick? Well apparently I had a cough medicine induced sleep walk.
Doug woke up and went to the bathroom to find the light on, pee pee in the toilet, and the tub water running (turned all the way up and as hot as it will go)! It freaked him out cause I was laying in the bed, sound asleep. He thought someone broke in and was trying to take a shower. Ha! Poor thing!
I do not recall any of it. I guess I took a little too much cough syrup that night. I must have "woke up", thought it was time to get ready for work (did I mention it was not a work day...), used the restroom and turned the shower on to get the water warm, then decided I wanted to take a nap... :)
Best part... pee pee in the toilet and no toilet paper. I wonder what I did with it?!?

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